well for hardcore gamers the increase will be noticed . . . so whats your point?
if you wanna play sports on you console thats great, pick yourself up a kinect, thats not for the other 90%
And actually the PS4 has its own motion control, they just don't make a big thing about it because they know its not what the gamers want and its just casual, plus if you dont think any of the games at sonys showing were casual . . . well your blind mate.
Stop trying to make up rubbish here
I think hardcore gamers will also notice the A.I. in Forza is much better than the rubber band A.I. in your typical racing game too. That's my point. And it's something easeir to differentiate than the number of polygons used to create a round tire.
What if I want voice? What percent is that?
What if I want it ALL used in a single game?
Doesn't the Xbox One cover the entire 100%? Does the PS4?
If I want an inferior method control method I have to pay extra on the PS4, and there's no guarantee anyone's going to make games for it and give it consistent support. And you know what? Because that percentage you don't seem to care at all about, will be buying an Xbox One, they'll make sure my core games will take advantage of Kinect. Last time Kinect and Move went head to head on gesture alone, there was pretty big land slide in who won that one. Now it's worse. It's 3 vs 1. Touch, see, speak vs touch. It won't be pretty. And Sony, just like Nintendo, failed to give those guys a reason to buy their console. But not to worry, they have a home. Microsoft didn't leave them out in the cold.
DAT DRIVATAR BRO! I didn't notice anything from the norm in that game. lol yh, and devs have very quickly said that this cloud enhancement is rubbish
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