[QUOTE="MarcRecon"][QUOTE="firefox59"] Well, you're saying the opposite of what most gamers are saying. Most gamers are saying they won't use the extra stuff, which is fine. The extra stuff does include non-gaming capabilities which are what MS is going for with the 'center of your entertainment box.' That is what will draw in the casual and get non-gamers to but Xbox One. Sony doesn't have anything like that. 25 million people is nothing to sneeze at and this is way beyond what Kinect 1.0 could do.firefox59
Fanboyism is dying out my friend, I'm not here to debate which system is better because the extra features that you are talking about "STILL" won't make a big differen'ts on which system will sell better. Look at Nintendo....Sony and MS have had better Hardware and features for their systems but yet nintendo's share of the market is still impressive.
So, I'll just give you the last word because this seems to be turning into a fanboy debate and I don't do those because MS and Sony are not paying me!:)
Lol, I swear when someone doesn't know what to say they just call the other person a fanboy. You are saying that people won't being using the features and that know one uses them. I am not being a fanboy by telling you the facts. That 25 million people bought a kinect and the kinect kinda sucked. The Xbox One is way better than the 360 and the new kinect shouldn't even share the same name as the old one, it's so far beyond it. The only reason I brought up Sony is because non-gamers will look at the two systems and see that Sony's does less, which can't be argued, even by my friend here picket.Right
if the new kinect is improved to be even as good as a movie quality camera . . . that still does not change the fact its as useless when used like the original kinect. There is no place for it. Even with improvements you are still limited to dancing games and pet ya animal or what ever that rubbish was.
and it does less because people already have there digital boxes as i have my sky box, and microsoft got a slated for being all about TV so yes it does do it you are very right . . . but NO ONE WANTS IT.
And even if people wanted these features, Sony could change the service and offer that, but for now they will not as everyone has such strong feelings against it. The PS4 is just as capable of that.
Just because the useless features are more present does not mean has any more appeal for casual users.
You try and make it sound like the PS4 is a 90 year old cripple, where as really they just include the things people want and focus on gameing, something microsoft could learn to do better.
And i use fanboy because you clearly are . . .
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