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Up for testing your video game knowledge?

Think you're smart? Just try me.


30 questions in here. Think you can take them all? Without Googling? :P Alright, you're alowed to do so. No, actually I encourage it in a case like this.

Want to answer them? Hey, don't put your answers in the comment box, register as a member of the forum first, then message me with the answers! There's a prize for whoever gets the most correct. :) You game enough?

More new Pokemon!

Eh, topic titles are getting old. Wonder what the hell I'll have to put in when Pokemon Gen 6 comes out :P

All the new Pokemon this time are from a Pokemon Movie 14 teaser (featuring the two main legends, Reshiram and Zekrom) and leaked scans of the latest CoroCoro. Again. They really suck at keeping their magazines hidden, don't they?

The one from the movie teaser is this unnamed fellow.

I really hope this is a regular Pokemon and not the 'generation mascot' or 'cute legendary' of 5th Gen, because although good, it just doesn't have the same degree of charm. Even Pachirisu and Manaphy are cuter than him.

Oh well, complaints aside(maybe he'll grow on me), CoroCoro scans are next.

That woman-like Pokemon from before? Rankurusu. This new move it's using is called Magic Room, which negates all effects of items from both sides of the field.

To the left, that green Pokemon. Gochirizeru. Creepy in the original screenshot from a week ago, but closer up....it's ADORABLE. Me wanty :D

Then the eagle. Wooguru. Also knows a few new attacks for Gen 5, and one of the cooler looking ones.

Second scan. Musharna. Munna's evolution, and this specific Pokemon also hides a secret use for online mode. Something about Dream Smoke...We'll have to wait a bit longer to find out. Also, more cute :)

Third scan, from the top, Kibago, the green Larvitar like Pokemon, Koromori, which we actually saw pictures of some time ago, and Minezumi, another generic rat Pokemon.

Alright, Pokefans, let me hear your screams!

Taiko no Tatsujin DS!

HOLY CRAP! Holycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrapholycrap it's finally out! The annual Taiko madnes is on! Everything I remember about E3 and the World Cup is thrown right out of the window the moment I have this game in my lap.....*drools* Must. PLAY.

*will be gone for the next two days*

Triple battles?!

Okay, 2-on-2 was crazy enough. But now we have 3-on-3 matches? This is just insane! In a good way, of course :) New gameplay elements better be introduced to the 3-on-3 format. Don't want it to end up being a regular old battle with just extra Pokemon. Together with the revealing of the triple battles came, what, eight new Pokemon? Nintendo are letting their guard down more than usual today.

Ononokusu, Doryuuzu, Desukaan, Denchura.

TRIPLE BATTLE. And Moguryu on the right (new Pokemon)

Out of the eight, five were named. The remaining three that don't have announced names yet are here. Fugly? Well-designed? Your call. I like that green thing on the left :)

A Pokemon-filled trip

If you can still remember, I was gone a week ago from June 12 to 15, and since E3 was on I didn't blog about my trip. At all. Well, things have somewhat calmed down so I'll just slot this in here:

The original intention of the trip was for a scholarship interview, but of course I did some obligatory shopping. And just look what I came up with!

That's right, a Pokemon lunchbox, the kind you'll only see otherwise in Pokemon Center stores in Japan. I can't use it, not just because it's a collector's item to me, but because it's too damn small. Heck, half my lunch won't fit into this tiny thing. Hey, it's a kid's lunchbox after all. I'm guessing the bottom compartment is for rice, and the top parts for seaweed and the like.

In other pointless Pokemon related curios...

Yep. That's right. Paper cups. I'm completely nuts :P

Then some more less pointless Pokemon related curios.

Another Pokemon jigsaw puzzle! I haven't finished the first one yet though (it's still gathering dust somewhere while I look for a place to frame it up) but I had to have this one because Zorua was on it. In support of Gen 5!

Lastly two more PVC Pokemon figurines, the ones which I always collect. Two to add to the gazillion that I already have...Hey, I have an idea!

Group photo! :D Three Cherrims! When will I ever stop~?

Nintendo 5-Star Forum Posting Contest!

Well, what is there to say? With E3 behind us the forums are going nuts and a posting contest is underway at Nintendo 5-Star! The top three guys who post the most messages in a week gets a unique prize of some sort. It's already going crazy, so if you want in now's your chance! There's also a few other contests going on AT THE SAME TIME. Come make our summer party a blast!


Back from another trip!

Yeah I sacrificed my daily blog space on account of the 7 new Isshu region Pokemon on the day I went on another little trip, but now I'm back, and just in time to catch the NIntendo E3 press conference too! Man, it's so overwhelming I don't even know when and where to start.....3DS, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country, Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Metroid Other M, Kid Icarus, Nintendogs + Cats, Paper Mario, Starfox and Ocarina of Time 3DS......I am speechless. I'll blog about it fully after the insane 3 days is over. I need a break from the overload

BTW, Kirby's Epic Yarn = DAY ONE BABY. I am so stoked! It's been so long since the last console Kirby :)

Seven new Pokemon

Giaru, Munna, Mamepato, Chiramii, Hihidaruma, Shimama, Meguroko.

All on two different scans!

Also tons of new rumors and details! 3-on-3 battles, Reshiram being an Ice/Dragon type, and finally, random battles over Wi-fi!

Because of Gamespot's limited blog width I've put up the full-sized scans on my other blog, and all the other details on it too. Check them out.

Update 1- All the rumors of Gen 5 up to now

Update 2- First scan with the four Pokemon, along with the first female Professor ever

Update 3- Second scan, with the remaining three, and news of Wi-fi random battles

Chiramii and Munna are so cute~ :P

Trauma Team Review

(pulled from my original)

Trauma Team may come as a huge change for diehard fans of the ol' frantic surgical action of Trauma Center, but rest easy, it stands out as tense, unique, and in every way a fitting addition to the series.

The first reaction you might get from anyone who's played one of these games before is the removal of main protagonist, Dr. Derek Stiles, instead putting you in the shoes of six different doctors, whom you might easily assume to have questionable personalities and less soul than the first miracle surgeon. It's almost like your mother throwing you out and you have to get used to six different foster parents, each with a different way of raising their kids. The second big change is the removal of the Healing Touch ability and all the man-made fantasy viruses like the infamous GUILT.

Don't throw your arms in the air just yet, because a doctor game is still a doctor game, and Trauma Center isn't ready to go all serious on us just yet. From the surface it may seem like this series has taken a turn to serious medical simulation, but play it and it's still the same tense story and amazing surgeons that save patients from the brink of death, and all of it is laced with humor, charisma and personality. Each doctor practically overflows with the stuff, and have their own story to tell.

At first, each doctor has six separate storylines, but each of them is connected to each other by the fact that they all work under the same roof (save for one). To push the point home that it's still a videogame in feel and less of a medical sim, all of them can be seen interacting with each other and goofing off in the lengthy cutscenes. After every one of them solves their own personal conflicts(which are as interesting as they come), the story unites into one. The presentation is fine enough. The comic-book feel lends itself well to the game, though I can't help but feel like some of these scenes drag on for too long, and you can't skip through text. There's also a noticeable long pause sometimes between dialogues. This one irks me a bit.

Moving on to the gameplay. Surgery is the same as always, with the same eight tools everyone should be familiar with. The removal of the time limit allows for Atlus to get more creative and frees up space for more complex procedures. First response puts you into the fast-paced world of first-aid for multiple patients, and you're tasked with keeping them all alive at once. Micromanagement is key here, but the number of tools have been reduced in exchange for juggling between patients. Hey, you're not Dr. Stiles anymore, this kind of thing really can't be handled by just one person.

Orthopedics is bone surgery, and is based on precision and accuracy, presented to you in the forms of cutting out synthetic bones in a specified shape, drilling holes and screwing plates to secure them in place, and so on. The treatment procedure for each bone is nearly the same, so orthopedics is one field that can get a little repetitive, and isn't helped by the fact that they last far longer than 5 minutes. Endoscopy made me feel a little claustrophobic, but it works, although the number of things you can treat while peering into the inner walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract is limited to only a handful. If it had more variety- oh wait, there is. It jigs things up a bit, but I won't spoil what it is. It has eight different tools from surgery, but switching between them is more fiddly (you have to hit C then choose your tool, then hit C again. It'd make more sense to hold down C and choose a tool, instead of having to tap it twice).

Diagnostics and forensics are the ones that deviate the most from the formula, but ironically diagnostics is my most favorite one of the bunch. Sure it's slow-paced, but that allows for tension to build up before you give your final diagnosis. You notice a bunch of strange symptoms, and in your uncertainty the music changes to match the mood. It works very well. It boils down to a game of 'find the difference' in CT scans and X-rays, or heart rates or different levels of hormones and blood cell counts, but it's a really good one. Forensics mimic the investigations found in Phoenix Wight games, find evidence, put them together and find the truth. The cases in this field are just as twisted and sick as in its inspiration, and very well executed.

So, how different is it from Trauma Center again? On the surface it may seem like an entirely different approach, but actually play it and it still holds the passion for storytelling and eye for good gameplay that every other Trauma Center game has in its heart. The fact that the fictional GUILT and the Healing Touch are no longer staples of the series will barely register once you've made some progress into the game. Look past the minor niggles and Trauma Team is a game that belongs in any good Wii collection.

My score: 9/10