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China Town Wars Review

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Mein Leben!

or "my life" in German. Sense purchasing Wolfenstein 3-D for my sexy new itouch I've been carrying a little bit of nostalgia around with me. Remembering were all the secrets are, the pixilated Nazis guards, the old tunes and of course crazy mech Hitler I'm also writing a review of the game for citizengame.co.uk . The controls take time to adjust to but for the price of a pack of smokes your getting 60 levels of Nazi slaying action.

I also wrote a Grand Theft Auto China Town wars review that will be going up on citizengame sometime this week. During the Ubi-Softer 50% off sale I purchased off steam the classics pack contain Beyond Good & Evil, Far Cry, Dark Messiah: Might and Magic and some air plane game which I don't give to **** about, all for ten dollars. Far Cry is worth ten bills on its own but throwing in Beyond G&E and Dark Messiah is a dream come true. I've put about five hours into Far Cry and am enjoying it in small doses. Its one of the toughest shooters I've played and while im no slouch at FPS I found the difficulty to get in the way of enjoyment some times. I haven't even touched the other games in the pack die to the sheer amount of work I've had to redo due to a massive hardware failures deleting all of my files dating back two or three years.

Playing the first two chapters of World of Goo have left me in love with not so much the game play but the charm of the Goos and the atmosphere of the game. Props to Barry White (writer of Citizengame) and DannyoDwyer (editor of Citizengame) for hooking me up with a free signed copy of the game.

I must say my biggest disappointment thus far this year is Resident Evil 5. Not only did I find the dialogue and story incredible boring and plain dumb but the overall game felt to simple. Not easy but the concepts, bosses and overall feel to the game is simple, point A to B type stuff.

That's all I've been up to, felt like I ought to let you all know "Im not dead". Keep on gaming people.

Just a game update

So finally life has settled down and im able to do a write up of what I picked up over the last month and what I've been playing.

Call of Duty – Only took me two days to complete but it was an unforgettable experience that every fan should FPS should play.

Penumbra: Black Plague- A great puzzle and horror game that kept me in suspense and looking over my shoulder from start to finish. I'm also Playing Call of Cthulhu for PC and wont go into to much detail as to not ruin the experience.

I recently stopped by a used videogame and DVD shop I go to whilst on vacation and found some great buys.

-F.E.A.R, $9

-Command and Conquer Generals, $3

-Doom 3, $6

- Matrix Reloaded, .95

-GTA 4, $15

- Metal Gear Solid 1, $13.99

-Max Payne 2, $5.99

-007 Night Fire, $.95

I recently (20 minutes ago) purchased of GTA 4: Lost and the Dammed and if any one else has picked it up please send me an invite over XBL. Hopefully I can find more time to blog and less time working on applications for school and what not. Take it easy guys and keep on gaming.

Still kickin

Life is like a box of chocol…. **** it life's been crazy lately, lots of studying and sleepless nights working on **** for the paper and colleges. Expect less and less frequent game updates from me. I also stopped visiting giant bomb due to the lack of a community.

I'll have an in-depth blog soon, once life has settled down. Just letting you guys know im still around.

Company of Faith

So I finally opened up my copy of Mirrors Edge that's been in the shrink wrap sense Christmas you know why, School! Sense becoming Features editor for my school paper and taking on AP English I've had essays and stories to write constantly not leaving much time to play games. I've also been trying to fix my computer that reboots constantly (instead of getting the blue screen of "death", which is what XP is set to defaultly).

I had an idea of what to except form Mirrors Edge from playing the demo over and over, and I must say this is a great title. I'm not really into the cut scenes being animated yet I suppose they are refreshing from the constant asylum white hallways to the grey buildings and the story isn't that great so far yet the game play is A+. That is when your run (duh) and doing the whole parkour thing. I find when encountering enemies the game really gets bogged down with the repetitive combat and boring gun fights. I never use guns because there hard they take the whole flow of the game away and that what makes this game so spectacular the flow. Running, jumping over barriers and sliding under pipes is so fluent and when jumping from building to building has you on the edge of your seat which implemented with solid good gameplay to great gameplay.

Company of heroes is hands down my favorite game so far this year (yes ten days in this year, so what). While it dose have a steep learning curve the sense of accomplishment is amazing. For those of you who don't know CoH is a RTS for Pc and you take on the role of either American, Germans/Panzer Elites or British. The most drastic change from most RTS games (opt out War Hammer 40k games, relic made them) is that you capture resource points so you wont be building harvesters or supply depose, yet this is a double sided sword. While it changes p the gameplay you must also defend these points meaning there is a lot of running back and forth between attacking, defending base/control points and capturing enemy points.

I'm currently enjoying the single player allot ore than the multiplayer due to the overall flow. Missions start with upgrades and a small amount of troops, when in multiplayer you start with no up upgrades and next to no defenses. While I do understand its standard convention for RTS games online to start from scratch I feel that only the hardcore do well in multiplayer.

I forgot to add a happy newyear blog so...Happy New year!

Holiday Haul

Heres just a quick update of my game related gifts.
-Company of Heroes:Gold-Company of Heroes and Opposing Front.
-Mirrors Edge-xbox360
-Batman:the Dark Knight
-Command and Conquer: Retro pack-Tiberium wars,Firestom,Redalert 2,Yuri's Revenge,Renagaded.
-PainKiller tripple dose-PainKiller,Batle out of Hel,OverDose.
-Unreal Anthology-Unreal,Unreal Tournament Edition,Unreal 2 the awakening and UTK 2004.

Will be back on live/steam soon just been to busy relaxing with the family. I'm also going to pick up some games off steam like Bioshock $5 and the Half-life exspantions for.99 cents a piece.

I need a favor from all of you....yes you!

Hey guys, I know I haven't been commenting allot but it's been a crazy week here.

I would really appreciate it if you guys could take 10 minutes out of your day to visit citizengame.co.uk and read/comment on at least 2 reviews and/or news.

Also be sure to download the amazing podcast and if you have enough time drop us a review on itunes (5 stars ftw).

Making an account literally takes 5 minutes and if I see that you've registered and comment, I'll make a blog thanking all of those who visited recently.

Thanks guys-Jason

I need a favor from all of you.

Hey guys, I know I haven't been commenting allot but it's been a crazy week here.

I would really appreciate it if you guys could take 10 minutes out of your day to visit citizengame.co.uk and read/comment on at least 2 reviews and/or news.

Also be sure to download the amazing podcast and if you have enough time drop us a review on itunes (5 stars ftw).

Making an account literally takes 5 minutes and if I see that you've registered and comment, I'll make a blog thanking all of those who visited recently.

Thanks guys-Jason

Massive update

So it's been a while sense I've done an update blog and man have I got a lot to get off my chest.  I found a copy of Baulders gate for PC in my closet and finally installed it and have only played about 5 minutes of it so will a have impressions some other time.    This month I've spent over $200 on games and am glad the rush of big titles is over.  

Left 4 Dead

I tried playing this for the first time on single player, just to get a feel for it.  After 5 minutes I was dead bored playing with the bots  and hoped onto Dead Air campaign with some fellow citizengamers and really had a blast. 

This is going to have to be my co-op game of the year, working with your team mates is essential to survival.  Graphically this game looks just okay, while the character models have the same great art ****similar to Team Fortress 2 models. 

The AI director is the real star here, sending waves of enemies at you just as things start to get dull.  The biggest disappointment is the lack of enemy variety and weapon variety.

World of Warcraft 14 day trial

WTF,we all related?

I've always wondered what all the fuss has been about world of war craft sense every one and there mums are playing it now.  I had to download three five hour patches before I could enter Azeroth and I got to say I don't think my 15 hour wait have been justified.

One reason why I was interested in the game was the distinct art ****graphics.  I have always loved Blizzards concept art and graphics and well it really shows in the game.  I'm not a fan of having to find quest locations with out a map marker.  I enjoy getting to a location easily and having a difficult battle but not the other way around. 

I'm currently playing a level 5 Dwarf Hunter named Glasgo who's not to shabby with an axe and while that's all fine and dandy I'm sick of killing goblins and boar.  I really cant stand the steep learning curve (even though there's a help option) and don't like the feeling of being dropped into a game and feeling like I'm blind folded.     


I rented Season 1 from my local library and have to admit even thou I was skeptical I freakin love this show! I love how every episode leaves me with unanswered questions and mystery.  I find it very annoying how ever that they almost completely ignore the other 48 characters yet its understandable.  I'm currently watching season 2 on fancast.com, every episode to date in crisp and clear HD….as long as you have good internet connection. 

So that's pretty much what I've been upto for the past 2 weeks.  I've had massive amounts of school work so havnt been able to get on XBL a lot but with thanksgiving break coming up I should have some more free time to game.  I'm probably going to have enough time to finish up my PC gaming editorial that iv been ranting on and on about.