At least the thumbstick looks like it's in a more natural position unlike the Index controllers. I hate the thumbstick placement on those.
PimpHand_Gamer's forum posts
Those aren't really just profits though. You can look up other things like R&D, operation costs, etc. Then you have to break the company down into their individual departments for which each gets a yearly budget. I do work for a local university and I know all too well about those budgets because each department literally feels and operates much like an individual company but this aspect of businesses never make it to public.
Just not that concerned, not my business. I just play the games, I leave the business up to those involved.
Which is why I don't get excited about the things that benefit the companies, such as exclusives. People get mad when when exclusives go multiplat, but that doesn't make any sense. Exclusives don't benefit you outside of system wars types arguments, they benefit the companies by forcing gamers to have to invest in a particular companies hardware and ecosystem. So exclusives are essentially anti-consumer.
Then people are concerned with how developers make money on Gamepass. None of my business, that's between them and MS. I do know that they have their own individual deals with MS, so it's not like there's only one way which doesn't work.
Same should go for Epic as well but no people got all butthurt over their practice of buying rights for exclusives but console people are like "but it's PC so it's different" attitude.
Why are you guys still talking about Trump? Is it the love of drama? Someone to heel your hatred into? I just don't get why anyone cares anymore unless they just love the toxic discussions and can't get enough. So you guys still gonna be raging about him next year? The year after that too?..the fact that he's still a beloved topic says more about those still talking about it than it does about him.
The only dumplings I know of ever having is Dinty Moore chicken and dumpling from a can. It's okay if I'm hungry enough. Can't stand Chinese food but I tried some kind of dumpling in soy sauce once and it was horrid.
Hum. They produced 2 albums but only had 1 hit in the 90's during that period where the industry seemed desperate for alternative rock bands but I liked all the songs on both albums.
I have all four
PC: I hate having to sit at a desk to play a game (pretty much why I rarely bother)
I couch game on mine. Just set boot to Big Picture mode in Steam. Alternatively there are front ends such as Launchbox's BigBox, Playnite, etc.
Did they at least fix any of the physics and a.i. yet? I was hoping they would at least make it on par with GTA 5 ps3 version.
You realize the toxic individuals are that way because they are addicted right? Their brains are the equivalent of being having a bad drug addiction, so if they don't get that high they are looking for, they spaz out. Research has shown that games shape your brain and change behavior.
"Researchers have found functional and structural changes in the neural reward system in gaming addicts, in part by exposing them to gaming cues that cause cravings and monitoring their neural responses. These neural changes are basically the same as those seen in other addictive disorders."
So yeah, no wonder why they are toxic, so are heroin addicts. Personally, I blame their parents. No parent should let their child do one thing repetitively all day, every day like that. Life is a mixed bag and if they want their kid to function in everyday life, they need to participate in those functions.
Carlin should have also added to reflect about how stupid you are. Stupid doesn't begin nor end with education because even geniuses do stupid shit. Like when Einstein showed up in pajama's to a breakfast in his honor. Today, people do it everyday just to shop at Walmart. It's one thing to point out how stupid people are when generalizing but it's a whole nother stupid to say that and not be self aware.
It's also like over 200 gigs or close to it and unless you enjoy the simulation of flying plane, then it's boring as shit. The novelty of the distant terrain wears off pretty quick and there are a lot of button combos you need to get used to along with the fact that there isn't much to listen to aside from airplane sounds and radio chatter. There's no sense of 3d position audio or anything but then again it's not needed but just pointing out how freaking boring it is but that should be expected for anyone who isn't an airplane enthusiast.
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