I still think Blood Money is the best in the series but I agree that Silent Assassin did not age very well. As far as the traditional Hitman games go Blood Money is the best I think.
pimpofdoom's forum posts
I used to bothered by now I think it kind of adds to the charm of the game. Just really funny to hear jokes being done in those funny voices during the campaign and I just got used to it in the custom made missions."This is like a rave man!"
The PC section of Gamespot has some of most obscure games on the list at times. This game looks kind of fun, hey that mission where you have to put out that fire (that you started lol) in GTA San Andreas was fun.
I want the radio stations just to feel very contemporary. Like stuff you would hear nowadays in your life, whether your listening to the radio in your car, walking down a street, tv, whatever. It just helps immerse you in present day life in America. I'm not a big fan of house music or club type music but it should definitely be in the game just because it is pretty popular nowadays.damaccj5
If things were limited to what we can hear on the real radio the GTA soundtrack would be very limited. Unless we are talking about uncensored satellite radio. Anyways what I want to here.
Geto Boys-Damn it feels good to be a gangsta,G-Code,and a whole bunch of other songs from that group
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Spice 1- Born II Die
Rammstein-Feuer Frei
Young Buck-Man Down
If Russia and America keep fighting on such a scale and the future games will have the same storyline I wonder if by BF5 they will be fighting with sticks and stones :P
JK but I would love to see more factions in the game oh and DICE it's ok to have a battle without the USA in it kind of like we had EU VS China battles in BF2 on the Xbox 360.
Or better yet they can make a game that has. USA,Russia,EU,MEC,US Navy Seals, SAS,insurgents and more. You know like a Battlefield game and its expansion that came out back in 2005 lol.
Personally I like this game but with the amount of bad reviews this game got I doubt they would ever make a GOTY edition for this game. Would be kind of amusing if they did.
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