I would not mind seeing the series expand into new types of games. Seeing the final battle in Mass Effect 3 made me think "you know what a Mass Effect RTS game would be cool".
I don't know about zombie games but I know even the most classic zombie movies have always had humans in the plot as enemies. The bikers in the original Dawn of the dead are a good example.
I have played so many fast paced action games that I would keep an open mind of they decided to make future games more slow pace. However yeah static camera angles would not be something I would ever want to deal with. This is coming from someone who's first Resident Evil game was RE4 on the PC in 2007 lol.
I never really played RE2 but I wonder if a game with N64/Ps1 graphics can still scare me in 2012. If it does then that shows just how well the game is made for what it is supposed to be.
If you cannot play online whats the points? The AI in this game is bad and I only want this game for coop and deathmatch so I see no point in torrenting a bad single player experiance.
I liked his style in Mass Effect 2 but in 3 I felt that the writers really did a good job making him irredeemable and being an obvious tool of the Reapers as shown in the end.
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