[QUOTE="Marka1700"][QUOTE="BigBoss5777"][QUOTE="d-suhiti"]:lol: at VF5StarFoxCOM
Umm CrackDown only got a 8.5 there buddy, so you can quit the laughing.. LEMMING VFA is been Hyped AAA, Crackdown AA, He can laugh as much as he wants.
Plus lemmings are getting VF5 anyway...
Agreed i'm not a fanboy but Microsoft's getting VF 5 and Now all Lemmings are like PS3 fanboys just got owned Yeah guess what Lemmings your getting it too. That makes no sense, you act as if them getting it too is a bad thing.
[QUOTE="Tony-Baxter"]Cow-I went to the grocer yesterday and saw shelfs of food all around. I guess food isn't selling They stold that from the lemmings. :lol:
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