He brings in alot of money to the team aswell. Is he worth 27.5M? That is up to the team that pays him. You are worth what ever someone is willing to pay you and in this case it's 27.5M a year. The Yankees could afford this though, if it was a team that spend half their payroll on him than they would have a problem. The Yankees on the other hand could afford to pay him, pay MO, Jeter and Posada with out breaking a sweat. They could keep adding to the team cause they could afford it. Yes it's alot of money but the Yankees are willing and able to pay him. You need to also take into account that he brings in alot of revenue to the team aswell and should be the next homerun king if there is no injuries in the next few years. Now all they need is Santana. Oh and Giambi will be off the payroll after next season.
pins_basic's forum posts
Oscar is a coward for wanting to fight Pac-Man. I don't have a problem with anyone else he fought but wanting to fight Manny makes him a coward. I have always given him the benefit of the doubt as I do with all boxers. Getting in the wring is dangerous and you need to respect anyone who does it but fighting Pac is just being a bully and a coward. I would love for Tiny Pac to some how knock him out, it would be hilarious.You spelled "Apollo" wrong. Get it together.
De La Hoya fought some of the best in his weight class. You win some, you lose some. Is Ali a coward for winning Norton once?
You have no clue what you are talking about. First, the fith would take place at 147 not 130. 2.He should try to avenge his loses instead of avoiding them and fighting guys who are much smaller than him. As for Trinidad, you are wrong and again have no clue. They were in negotiations after the Trinidad fight and everyone showed up (Trinidad, Arum and KIng) except for De La Hoya. He decided to fight Mosley instead. He later called Trinidad out about 3 years later when Trinidad had retired. Trinidad returned and than Oscar wanted nothing to do with him. Trinidad retired a second time (which you might know) and he strarted calling him out again. Trinidad announced his rentrun recently and Oscar now is saying that a fight with him is unlikely because he wont fight any Puerto Ricans anymore, WTF? Why if he feels he beet Floyd will he not try to avenge the loss? Why did he want nothing to do with Hopkins after he said that he was easily whining the fight before getting KO'd? Why did he not want a rematch with Mosley after (according to him) getting robbed? Mosley is not in his prime and he is old than Oscar. Trinidad is the same age, isn't in his prime, has retired twice and hasn't fougt in 2 and a half years. Hopkins is in his 40's and winky is also older than him (he avoided him for years anyways). He just fought Floyd and said he won but wont fight him again. Cotto is smaller than him aswell but not small enought it seems. Hatton is 2 weight classes below him and that's who he mentions? Now he is mentinoning someone who is 4 weightclasses below him? In 04 Oscar fought as a Middleweight while Pac was a Featherweight. That's a huge difference.:lol: you calling Del La Hoya a coward :lol: The guy has fought the best of the best in the past. Heck he even wanted a rematch against Trinidad after he lost that fight but Trinidad decided to retire, so get your facts straight. And why should he get a rematch against everybody he lost to? The man is not in his prime anymore, he's getting old and you want him to fightthe best fighters at their respected weight class :| As for the Pacquiao fight, I don't see how Oscar can fight at 130lbs, he'll be ******* weak. Oh and don't forget that there were rumors of Mayweather fighting Pacquiao in the future.
Actually Mayweather was supposed to retire after the De La Hoya fight, he mentioned it numerous times. Oscar hinted at a rematch, but given at the ***** Mayweather especially the way he fought in the ringside during their fight its unlikely on his behalf.
Why does he keep going after smaller guys? He knocked out Chavez (who was much smaller than him) and was the one who initiated a rematch, wtf? Why did he never fight Sturm or Whitaker again when the majority think he lost to them? You should only want to fight poeple you already KO'd or have no chance against you? That is cowardly. You think Ali avoided Frazier and Foreman? You think Rocky avoided Apallo (;))? Fighting someone who is half your sized is cowardly and there is no way around it.
There are many boxers out there that De La Hoya could fight if he'd like to. The problem is that he is apparently a coward. Yes, he could get a rematch with Mayweather and avenge the lost (with him saying he won the first fight and all). He could get a fight with Mosley to avenge his loses to him (though they are now partners). He could probably get a rematch with Trinidad now that he is coming out of retirement. Hopkins now is at Light Heavyweight which should cancel that fight out (and they are also partners). Then there are guys like Miguel Cotto who just beat his boy Shane. There is Winky Wright which he has avoided like the plague in the past. Nope, he doesn't want none of those fights.
So, who does he want to fight? Well, a few years ago he decided to fight Mosley, thinking he was a much smaller guy who had just came up 2 weight classes. It didn't turn out to well for Oscar. This year he decided to fight Mayweather. Again a much smaller guy who would be coming up in weight to fight him (he is smaller than Mosley). Since losing to Mayweather (though he says he won) he has said that he wont fight him again. He wanted who? Hatton. Yup, he wanted a guy who is smaller than Mayweather who is smaller than Mosley to come up in weight and fight him. Hatton is sign to fight Mayweather so he probably is not going to happen. De La Hoya has thought up a new master plan apparently. No, not someone bigger like Hopkins or anything like that. No, not someone his size like Trinidad. No, not someone smaller like Mosley or even smaller like Mayweather, Cotto or Hatton, Instead he wants someone who is truly tiny. That's right folks, Oscar De La Hoya apparently wants Manny Pacquiao to come up not one, not two but 3 weight classes to fight him at Welterweight. Now, De La hoya has been fighting smaller guys than him most of his career but this is ridiculous. Pac-Man is 5'6" with a tiny frame and would be out of shape at 147lbs. Oscar currently fights at 154 and is almost 6 feet tall.
WTF is wrong with this guy? It's one thing to play it safe (which would be cowardly) and another thing to just be a complete bully (which is also cowardly). Pac started his career at strawweight and for those that don't know, there is no weight class under it (it is the minimum weight for pro boxers). Strawweight is 105lbs incase anyone was wondering. Pac's last fight was at 130lbs while Oscar's was at 154lbs. I don't see why he would want to fight such a small guy. He will get a paycheck but will lose any kind of respect that anyone has for him. I'd say cowardly describes this very well. Even if the fight doesn't happen, it is pathetic that he would even consider a fight with Pac. If he does indeed fight Pac then all I could say is... Oscar De La Hoya is a **** COWARD.
BTW I'm going by interviews from Arum (Pac's promoter) who said the fight is in the works.
Sorry for the long rant.
P.S. If the fight does happen it would take place on September 08. Both plan on fighting at least once before then.
He Wants to fight Manny Pacquiao.
For those who don't wan't to read the whole thing.
so basically what your all saying is you want a brand new console to come before this generation is even fully unlocked, that bollocksAnimal-MotherYawn. Cause Nintendo and Sony have not commented on their next cnosoles:|
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