OK thats it I cant show this thread to my mom anymore, you guys arent supporting me, just stop posting on it please.
pippin73's forum posts
I DO have a boring life now without WII .. And if I was going to make up a character I would pretend to be working for Grasshopper In Japan making NHM 2 :D
13....right...um...okay...wii...crying...over....a...game...rightDarknessLionWell If you read my post , you would know that I wasnt crying, just angry, I had a red face, and the teacherr TOLD my mom I had been crying, but she was wrong. Anyway, I was hoping that people would support me, so I could show this thread to my mom, but you guys are just hating.
IM not 8, im 13 and a half, but I have a cousin who is 8
IM not a geek.. I just like HVS, and I love the conduit multiplayer. Whats fake about that ?
I am a huge HVS fan, and I was really excited about, The conduits. After I saw the review on Gamespot I got in an argument with a guy at school ( Who has already been suspended once this year for bullying me), because he said this proves, that Wii cant do HD gfx... anyway, the argument was a little too loud then the guy got in trouble with a teacher, because they thought he had made me cry again( even though I was just angry this time.) Thing is they made a big deal about it, and when my mom and dad found out. They got real mad because they thought i had been crying about Wii. I got grounded and I had my Wii taken away. My mom and dad already have a bad impression of nintendo, and now they think its getting me into trouble at school.
I dont think its fair for me to get a double punishment, when If the Gamespot review had not been bias, i would never have needed to loose my temper.
Anyway I hope the sells are high, and maybe my mom will let me get my Wii back soon.
This thread would have made alot more sense if it was pre-E3. Metroid Gaiden, Mario Galaxy 2, Red Steel 2, New Mario Wii, Tatsunoko vs Capcom with online play, Muramasa, Silent Hill, etc the list goes on. Nintendo has nothing to worry about. MS' motion tech won't be at a reasonable price for years and Sony is just two WM+ Wii Motes instead of one. And that's just the tech. When it comes to software, I think it'll be a long time before Sony or MS have a casual killer app like Wii Sports. I doubt they'd ever think up something like Wii Fit, which is a smash hit. When Sony is launching their Wii Motion+, they're going to need a line-up that competes with: Zelda: TP, New Super Mario Wii, Dead Space Extraction, Newly announced Zelda, Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Resident Evil Remakes, Wii Fit, House of the Dead Overkill, No More Heroes 2, The Conduit, Red Steel 2, Mad World, Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Silent Hill, Fragile and Metroid Gaiden.Senor_Kami
This is the kind of reply hat makes me realise that Its impossible for me to get into head of a Wii only gamer.
The rest of the gaming world sees the nintendo conference as a flop, bu you guys see it as a triumph.
The only thing that interested me was metroid by team ninja
For every other of those games there is a true next gen equivalent that is superior on every level..
Come on don't do this to yourselves .. you mention games like "house of the dead overkill" and wii spurts .. expecting anyone to be impressed..
I work In Japan at a game company making one of the games on your list .. and get to see pretty much every single major game released up close and personal.. Wii games never gain a crowd these days when we get hold of them in the office these days ..
Lothenon.. you are my hero
do any of these games support "vitality sensor" (tm)
does anyone feel the addition of "vitality sensor" compensates for a lack of true current gen hardware?
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