Ignore the Fanboys .. this game is the real deal. Ive been playing it constantly since i downloaded it, and it shines in all areas... some of the levels clearly look a bit unfinished, but when your flying through canyons at 600 miles an hour on the badlands map, desperately trying to find another missile pickup while trying to shake off lock ons , you will think that the game looks amazing (don't try to judge it from screen-shots, they just don't compare. The water and clouds effects are really good, the warhawks themselves look badass.
The game-play is just about the most fun Ive had on a multi-player game since Halo, (and that from me is the highest praise possible, as i feel its the best multi-player fps of all time). I can honestly say that its far superior to resistance, If your not into vehicles (the tanks and gun emplacements are fun as hell), it might not be your cup of tea, as the on foot combat is a bit off par.
The balance of the game, even at this stage is great, the only real critique (and its a biggy) is that the games are astonishingly unstable. the majority of my games have ended from either a server disconnection or crash. Once these bugs are sorted out, I can honestly see it getting high aa low aaa if the 20 dollar Download price is true (half price for half a game seems fair enough).
This game is going to be a MUST BUY>
Meet me in the skies ..
cocopops ..
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