October 18Lightning heals Team Floral Gale...+500hpTeam Floral GaleAeris 8299HPMjrn 8299HP Lightning 8299HP
Oct 16Lightning performs an amazing attack on team Paladin but she is too glued to the TV at the moment to explain it.-1000HP due to HasteTeam Paladin 1649HP
October 15Lightning casts haste on herself. Team Floral GaleAeris 8499HPMjrn 8499HPLightning 8499HP Haste
October 14Lightning commands the Earth to shake. Dirt and rock give way under Team Paladin's feet sending them into a dark abyss. Damage: 1000HP due to Haste.TEAM PALADIN:Cecil: 5149Shadow: 5149 *Casting Haste*Kuja: 5149
Oct 13Lightning follows suit and casts haste.Team Floral GaleAeris 8499HPMjrn 8499HPLightning 8499HP Haste
October 12Lightning looks around for her teammates...hmmm. She heals her team. +500HPAeris 8499HPMjrn 8499HPLightning 8499HP
October 10Lightning is running out of time and quickly does what seems natural, she casts Lightning on Team Paladin, 375 damageTeam PaladinCecil - 6149Kuja - 6149Shadow - 6149
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