pistolera's forum posts
Hi there, well I've made my way over from SEE, this looks to be a great union as well.
l3erserker..awesome work and cool hobby.
[QUOTE="kryu88"][QUOTE="starnerd67"]Seriously..................and what pains me is that after i beat FFX im going to play FFX-2.............. and my wacky brain is telling me to 100% that thing............... which means manual ............. gosh why can't they jsut give us the cool ending without having to do 100% without turn arounds................... oh well........... (btw when i learned about the zodiac spear...........i was reading it and then at that moment... i just finished the aprt where i opened one of those chests......and saved over............ so sad T__T
:lol: I knew about the Zodiac Spear from the start but didn't care to get it. Why? Yeah it's powerful, but you would have to get somebody the liscense to wield it and that would take forever at the point in time you get the spear. It was 250 LP or something to use it? By the time you were able to use it, it was kinda obsolete compared to other weapons you get (or at least I had).
I had way more LP then I ever needed. When I got the Zodiac Spear it was AMAZING, and I even had more than one character able to equip it if necessary. It was such a great weapon that I could switch it from one team to another to make sure it was always in the battle.... I went out of my way to get it as early as I could manage though.. and it is supposed to be the best weapon in the game........ I dont know, I'm just REALLY glad I got it!! :)
You guys are so hardcore, it's awesome. Me...Excalibur II... huh, Zodiac Spear ...never heard of it. I've got so much to learn :oops: ..rushing home to replay or finish my FF library...
(Great choice! I think Lightning is so cool.)
Thanks so much. Yah lightning is cool...hopefully when the game comes out I'll feel the same:lol:
People still seem to favor DS for some reason though
I have a DS and just bought a PSP and I'm enjoying the PSP a lot more. I think the PSP just has more games on intersted in.
I just got my PSP last week, so...
1. Jeanne D'Arc
and it came with Daxter
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