@Toysoldier34 No dirt. 99% of racing games don't realize that dirt and asphalt can exist in the same universe. I'd guess road is more country road / highway than street.
Not knocking GRID, but I didn't hear anything I haven't seen before. Will somebody please take the ideas from TDU and execute them properly?
If everything that has been said about this game was wrapped in an open world of "road racing" connecting the cities and towns for "street racing" and the venues for "track racing", and there was no longer these ideas that asphalt/dirt, cars/bikes, SP/MP and sim/creativity have to exist in different universes...then I'd be excited.
Why oh why did it have to be Atari of all publishers behind the only attempt so far to put together a complete package? *crying real tears*
At least we're past the point where licensed vehicles and damage modeling were divorced. Someday a complete racer will exist.
Though I'm glad they clarified that they haven't announced anything. I was afraid they had announced something and nobody bothered to cover it. I was even more afraid that they HAD announced something and it sucked, like say, that it was a late exclusive to an expiring console. So I'm glad to hear that they haven't announced that now.
Max Payne was polished fun with great action and varied environments. But that didn't save it from being shoot out after shoot out after shoot out after shoot out...just another great military shooter in a different skin. Great. But sooo tired.
@LtJef Kinda missed that in Harry Potter...not that I paid very close attention. But anyway, that's exactly what I was thinking! "This would be a great place to bash on Christians!" Video game forums are super great for that...I know it's why I come to Gamespot!
I always find being anti-something so invigorating. I like to focus on FEELING superior rather than BEING...well, anything worthwhile.
Anyway...I'm down for some Hitman Jr. I was hoping for "LEGO Hitman", but this'll do.
Wow. @rarson seems to have a serious anti-ouya agenda. Spending a serious amount of energy here bro. I get not liking it because it has the same amount of RAM as your phone (and twice that of a 360), and I get saying so and moving on, but going on a crusade is a little wierd.
You rated Duke Nukem. If you bought it on release you wasted $65. Come to think of it, any pre-order is a $65 gamble. Yeah, this is a $99 gamble, but it's a gamble on a show worth watching. And it will fully fund EASY, plus some, so there WILL be some interesting industry happenings to watch here.
It's got the potential to make a game changing statement, attract a lot of interesting indie developement that would never make it to 360 or PS3, and be a hot-bed for new console-centric ideas without the obstructions of development for MS, Sony or Nintendo. Anyway, enjoy your crusade.
An indie-friendly console that might help the big systems think about removing a few of their walls? For less than the cost of a couple games at retail? Yeah, lots to complain about here. Backed.
I've wasted $99 on worse. Worst case scenario it ends up in the kids playroom with peanut butter and pizza smeared all over the controller.
plaintomato's comments