If you want NFS for the arcade racing, go buy Paradise.
If you want Horizon for the sim racing, go buy Forza 4.
If you want an open world without artificial barriers cramping both the roads and the multiplayer, go buy Test Drive Unlimited 2.
Neither Most Wanted nor Horizon are the best at any of their selling points. Why spend $60 to support mediocrity? Why tell developers you'll continue to buy their games in 2012 even if they continue to offer up half-complete experiences? The racing genre is a cesspool of old ideas poorly executed on cut budgets.
If you do have to buy one, buy Horizon - then at least maybe they'll make an actual quality open world racer to follow up on the success of Horizon's mediocrity. Criterion has already shown that all they are going to do with the money you give them is to continue to deliver the same thing over and over with as little effort as possible.
@Seth_Defiler @brok Sweet. Leia is a Disney Princess now! I can wait to see her in the cartoons alongside Jasmine, Snow White and that half-naked fish thing.
@Addict187 It's just that we already played this game. Better versions. Several times already.
Criterion is obviously stagnant as a studio, doing nothing but milking their franchises to death ala Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero; sell it again until it don't sell no more. This is $60 DLC for existing games.
"few things are more motivating than the prospect of smashing your friends faces"
Ah...a truer truth was never truly truthed. Except for @smithster77 "Seeing nothing unique or interesting about this game", and @dralutfi "This game released in 2005", and @Hermes33 "pig of a game has lipstick on" - I guess these truths are most truest.
When will devs stop rehashing the same narrow concepts? If it is going to be the same old thing, it should at least be better and broader in scope. Delivering the same thing we've seen over and over again and trimming it down into a budget game at full price is unacceptable. This game might be a 10 in 2005, but it deserves a 5 after 2010.
It really must be the kids keeping these markets alive - those who either missed it the first several times around or just have a craving to play anything shiny. The rest of us are fatigued and would appreciate if someone would bother to execute at a higher level instead of serving up leftovers.
Reminds me of back in the day when you couldn't find Codemasters cheats online, but there was a phone number on the jacket you could call for cheats...at $0.99/minute.
It was stupid then, it's stupid now. But it doesn't bother me unless it touches the multi-player, which it probably does.
@Gen007 FC2 was a tragedy. Excellence under a layer of stupidity. The sad thing was it could have been fixed sooo easily with some minor patches. But they refused to fix it...
Looking forward to FC3, but I feel like they deserve a little resentment for abandoning FC2 in that state - so fixable, yet so not fixed.
@THE_BEN1999 @Tzunoy If this were as ambitious as TDU, then I'd be impressed. The philosophy on this one was "if it's hard to do right, don't do it". So we get segregated multiplayer, smooth as asphalt dirt, invisible walls and indestructable barriers. Missing features don't count as bugs I guess? I'll take a few bugs as a trade off for an open world that actually feels open.
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