I thought it was MGO...but it's Metal Gear Online...the beta is supposed to be released in April...the Gamestop you pre-ordered MGS4 from will contact you when they are available...
Not too sure about that, I asked my gamestop if they will do call ins when the beta is available. They said probably not, but will be sure to keep a copy for all preorders and will give em out and to check in frequently.
I'm gonna assume its a buisness thing and wanting the people to go in more often to make even more purchases during the wait.
Will that (Onkyo HT-SR800) play the Loseless HD audio format, or whatever that good audio format is called that will be in MGS4? I've been meaning to upgrade to Surround sound for a while now, and recently found out my job gets a discount on this webpage, so finally gonna do it now. If it doesn't can someone point me to one that can, at a reasonable price? Thanks in advanced.
I found the demo alot of fun, so I'm probably gonna buy it soon, and I'm not even a Baseball fan. (Ironicly I do like an Anime called Major about baseball tho)
Oh and cant wait for this game to come out! Loved the Arcade games, and definately gonna buy this off Play-Asia and get me a Wheel for the Ps3 for the full experience :D
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