Changing the subject a little, PS3 is getting some of the RPG love. Newly annouced a game called Cross Edge will be out in Japan this september. Its a crossover RPG with characters such as:
I prefer that boxart to the regular editions art. But, I certainly am not going to pay that much money for a couple of 'making of' videos that will be downloadable on the internet a few days later.Canvas_Of_Flesh
It also comes with an import soundtrack cd which is probably most of the exta cost. Comes with other stuff too, but idc about the rest of the LE,
I let my friend borrow my PS3 because he was interested in it. When i get it back, i plug everything up. Cut it on and went to my kitchen to start some Hotpocketslol. As I started pressing in the timer for the Microwave, i hear " ahhhh, ahhh". I run in there and there was a porno playing.
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