Since the slim came out and is officially sold in stores will there be a $50 dollar price drop on the 80gb soon or around the holidays? I know most people will buy the slim because of its bigger hardrive and its the latest ps3, but will stores put the 80gb on sale if sony dosent, just to clear out stock? Thanks
playstation32's forum posts
i think im goin with the 40gb probably....if it breaks ill sell just the system to someone on craigslist who wants a fix it project for at least 50 bucks or more then ill keep the game and the controller which together equal about $100 bucks...he's selling it for $150 for everything(system, game, controller, hookup cables, box)then buy a new ps3 but im hoping it will work good for a long time....
It's called calling up sony and asking if they can extend the warranty or ask your cousin or his parent's to do it if you are going to buy it to be safe. If you 15 and can't get a slim why ask in the first place? It seems that you have saved up that $150 yourself, why don't you ask your parents to pay the other half in exchange for chores or something?
I could get the slim for christmas or i could get this sooner and cheaper.....i just e-mailed sony about extending the warranty..... my cousin bought it from gamestop so do u think i should call gamestop and see what they say about extending the warranty?
Either buy a new one to be safe or buy your cousin's and then buy a warranty from Sony or something.
How can i buy an extended warranty from sony even if the original 1 year warranty expired about 20 days ago..... also how much is the warranty and where can i buy it?
Your just going to have to take a small risk and hope things work. Anything can break, microwaves or anything that uses electric. Either buy a new one to be safe or buy your cousin's and then buy a warranty from Sony or something. I mean yeah it's a good bit of money, but it's notgetting cheaper anytime soon.Your paying a lot less than some of us did for our systems. It's a gaming system, your not taking out a loan or have to pay interest on it. I am not trying to sound like an a**hole but this topic goes on all the time in different variations. "is PS3 worth it, is the PS3 worth it if you already have a 360" or something. What is so scary about the PS3 that people are afraid to buy it? It's not going to be a dreamcast. If the PS3 was going to go down it would have at this point.
If anything the PS3 has gained more support over time. 2 years ago no one wanted to work with the PS3. Now you are seeing 360 exclusives go muliplat like DeadRising, Lost Planet, Bioshock, Castle Crashers, Braid.I am not saying that your suggesting any of this, I am just saying why not buy a PS3 unless you can't afford it.
I bought a 360 a little over a year ago and I kind of regret it becauseright after I bought it, quite a few 360 games were going multiplat and that was rather annoying. I only have like 2 or 3 games on 360 I want to play because of all the multiplatforming that went on. Now is a good time to buy the system.There are qute a few top tier titles that are now greatest hits and there are cool games coming this fall.
im 15 i cant affordthe slimuntil christmas but i could buy my cousins sooner then just saying i could buy an new slim then buya couple games and another controlleror get my cousins and get more games, accesories and another controller but at the same time i have no warranty.
40 gig for me is way to small, my 80gig has like 30 left and i dont rely play often or have many games
idk what im going to do still..... more opinions would be great....thanks
No offense but if you know you won't have a lot of time for gaming or just won't play the system a lot for whatever reason, then why buy one? I am not saying you should play as much as your cousin but if you are only going to play like 20 minutes a week why bother with gaming in general? As a rule of thumb I say if you can't at least put in a half hour a day to games then don't even get into it. I would just get the slim. Your cousin's system might be just fine and if it did work $150 isn't a bad deal for the 40GB with 2 controllers and warhawk. It's up to you. If you don't game that much then I would say don't buy it. If you just want to watch movies on it, then maybe it is worth it. You present a weird situation.
lol well my brother and i like to plaY madden alot and i will definetly play it everyday, i have alot of time the 360 was just boring i guess because i didnt have live.....psn is free so ill probably play on psn alot.... im definitely getting a ps3 my cousin is givin me a good probably go and try his and play it for an hour straightand see how it works then bring it back home with me if its still not sure though the only reason im considering buying used is because of how reliable the ps3 is.....more opinions would great, thanks
immight buy a used 1 year old 40gb...warranty expired but i think i trust sony.. if it fails then im screwed out of 150$
I would buy his 40gb unless for some reason the Slim fascinates you by it's looks and/or size.
im actually starting to reconsider that because i wouldnt have a ps3 till around christmas time or i can get his within 1 or 2 months.....i used to have a 360 and i barely played it thats why i dont want to make the same mistake i did with the 360, i bought the 360 for $350....i dont wanna spend another $300 on a system and barely play it just like my 360. I want a ps3 for sure but im not sure if i should spend all that moneyand thennot even play it alot..... but i want a system that can be reliable and its not gonna break down because then i gotta pay $150 to get it fixed from sony if anything happens to it....... but the ps3 only has like a 10% failure rate.... idk... we would probably have to ship it about 1,000 miles or whenmy dadgoes to visit in november he couldtake it back or when i go upin december i could maybe take it back home with all depends when my cousin gets enough money to buy the slim.......idk is there any way i could buy a warranty for it even if the sony warranty expired about 20 days ago?
Wow thats a pretty good deal ill have to look in to that because little big planet is a game that i wanna get.... but do u guys think around the holidays stores will drop their remaining ps3 80gb to like $250 to sell out on all the original ps3's?
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