Cloud gaming such as Onlive only works with very fast internet access and only with certain games like RTS, adventure, or racing. In quick response twitch games like fighting and fps there's too much of a delay in input. Also, it'll be a while before everyone in the country has access to high speed internet.
They should have a FAQ link to answer all questions and add to the list when new ones arrive. This vagueness in a new product is unacceptable if you want lots of people to adopt it.
Nothing left to add. America has become a nation of blamers who don't want to take responsibility for anything. In the 80s, violence was due to Dungeons & Dragons, then magazines, then movies, and now games. Makes you wonder if the answer should be to have a license to have children. Too many stupid people having kids.
Why is the next gen version shipping later than the 360/PS3/pc version? Shouldn't the pc version ship with the next gen version? Sounds like the pc version will get the port of the old consoles while the next gen systems will get a better looking version.
The Wii U is not widely supported by third party publishers and the majority of their games won't be sold on the Wii U either. Don't be surprised when E3 arrives and Sony has to admit that you'll have to pay a fee to play used games.
Hopefully AMD will use those profits to invest in good R&D and hire good engineers to make a good alternative to sandy bridge/ivy bridge. Their gpu side which is ATI is competent enough to compete against Nvidia but their cpu just doesn't hold a candle to Intel. Competition is good for consumers.
I think this is more of a publisher decision rather than a MS or Sony. If one console requires a fee to play used games then it's almost certain that that will be the case for the other console. There's no way a publisher is going to allow one console to be able to play their used games free on one system but require a fee on another. This is the trend that is coming to the console market. This system is already prevalent on pc where we have steam, origin, uplay, etc. I think it's impossible to play used games on pc now from the major publishers.
Hackers will always find a way to unlock tech. After about a year just look on youtube and you'll find ways of unlocking it. Man, MS needs to clarify all issues and rumors at E3. This is a PR nightmare. Glad I'm a pcgamer.
As a pcgamer, I've noticed that more and more games are using steam, origin, uplay, or some other publisher DRM where you permanently own the game and can't sell it. I used to be able to buy used pc games on ebay for $10-20. Now I won't take the risk where I might wind up with a useless disc, where the game itself is locked to someone else's account. Also, the price of pc games is now the same as the consoles. The benefit is better graphics and more options for control but no exclusives. You can then argue that pirating is a benefit but it will just lead to more developers excluding the pc. Every system has their benefits and problems.
plm3d_basic's comments