pompeyfan94's forum posts
[QUOTE="teknic1200"][QUOTE="F0urTwenty"]The Turtle Beach X11's cup your ears, like all TB headsets. By cup your ears you mean go around them instead of on them, the x11's go around and cover your ears completely. I might just have small ears though so i could be wrong(I do).F0urTwentythe turtle beach are comfortable, I have no issues wearing them for a few hours at a time. I'm happy with the x11s, it's a decent set of cans.Decent set of cans lol? What? Yeah they are great for the price, I'm going to try and get my hands on some A40's soon so i can really be blown away. A40's r tops, but i dont see the point of spending so much, just buy the processor and upgrade ur x11's to dx-11
[QUOTE="F0urTwenty"][QUOTE="pompeyfan94"]The x11's are more than alright without the processor, they certainly do me justice. Best purchase I've made all year for me. Ive heard the exact same things too, im just wondering if it is worth getting a dss processor for the x11, or x31 or just going with the x41, or are the x11 and x31 alright without the processor BaconB1ts123I could be wrong but I don't think you can use the processor with the x31 because they are wireless and the processor goes on the wired input/output. I have actually been using a wired headset with the turtlebeach x41 base to get 5.1 and no batteries. I am liking it since the volume is louder and no popping at all. can't get the chat to work though. yea u can use the processor on the x31's and it basically makes it a x41. the processor is basically the receiver on the x41, exept smaller. i currently got the xlc, so with the x41 reciever im guessing i can just plug them into there and get surround sound, but i would rather use the x41 headset
[QUOTE="pompeyfan94"]Im trying to get into the market for a decent headset, I just want your opinion, i definatly want a turtle beach, so dont even worry bout the other ones. Price isnt really a problem, and nor are wires etc i just want a great quality headset. I personally have been thinking of the x41, x31 or the dx11(the x11 with the dss processor), What do you guys think?F0urTwentyDude, if price isn't a problem then get the Astro A40's, they're are beyond beastly. Price isnt a problem, its just i live in australia and i can only buy turtlebeaches, a40's i have to wait till after xmas and get them shipped over from the company otherwise i would get them
I have the x41s and also a nice pair of stereo ones. I can tell the difference between the 5.1 surround of the turtles vs the stereo ones. the 5.1 just feel more immersive but as you said it is $200. So the pros of the 41X: -surround that works great on any surround source (ie dvd players) - comfortable for long plays - wireless - optical pass through for 5.1 to stereo receiver Cons: - takes batteries so you have to change them every 10 to 15 hours of play time - 2.4ghz stuff can cause interference and popping so you MIGHT need to fiddle to find the right placement or change the broadcast channel - $200 I hear good things about the x31s but you would have the same cons as the x41 but also the lack of 5.1 surround. The x11 are like the x31s but wired so they are cheap and a good alternative to the x31. plus they also have a 5.1/7.1 surround mixer from turtle beach that you could buy later to go with the x11'sBaconB1ts123Ive heard the exact same things too, im just wondering if it is worth getting a dss processor for the x11, or x31 or just going with the x41, or are the x11 and x31 alright without the processor
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