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finally died in demon souls

so im in area 5-1 i think the place where you kill the leechmonger and so yea as you know there is only wooden planks to help you and if you fall down you die

so i have a winged spear 2+ right and you thrust fowrad using it so i was fighting one of the deprave one on top of the plank and i thrust him with my spear and fell down to my death

wow i died by the dumbest way= falling down to my death :x

anyway i got pissed and went and killed the leechmonger after that

leechmonger was a hard boss cause he keep renegrating his health and i dont have any magic or spells or flame stuff so i killed him the hard way using my winged spear 2+ yep i use a weak weapon to kill a health regenrating boss

it was tough and took like 10 mins and i use up alot of herbs nooooo i only got a few half and full left

anyway i finally died in demon souls

also now i got a winged spear 4+ hope that helps me with the next boss

edit: wat is the best weapon sheild and armor for 5-2 cause my waepon is hurting alot but not enugh cause it takes like 3 stabs from my spear

games i trying to get this year


Medal of Honor - Oct 12, 2010

i want this game cause it seem like it is gooing to bring back one of the most best fps franchise back up

also i havent played a MOH since european assualt cause the rest sucked hope this is going to be good

Assassin Creed Brotherhood- Nov 16, 2010

looks very promising and looks like another awesome game i myb get this when it comes out since AC2 was so amazing

Call Of Duty Black Ops - Nov 9, 2010

looks like WaW so i hope it is more bloody and stuff and not like MW series since it was fun but no blood

goin to get this and smash ppl online so if you have me on psn be ready for me to kill you

Six Days in Fallujah - TBA 2010

its game that was suppose to come out like 2 years ago but they say they are holding it back to make it look better

it you dont know what this game is a war simulator real tatical game

you are in iraq i think and i think it is like operation dragonrising flashpoint but more better and fun

i guess all the good games are coming out at fall

i myb wait at black friday or christmas as there is probably going to be sales on games and a buy 2 get 1 free

so i could get all the good games at one time

as for tdy i am just playing demon souls and the sabotuer

edit: i tried to put pics in but they are not showing srry

back from suspension

so not many of you guys know

but i got suspeneded fromGS for some time now

i got suspended for my trollinh blog about how ur u know what for reding this

and i guess some1 reported me or one of the higher ups read my blog

so yep im back and i guess i cant troll anymore

in other case i got 14th plat belongs to Red Dead Redemtion

cant play game long now

now i cant even play a game for a hour ever since i started to play RDR

i guess im getting bored of games now

i only play RDR for 30 min s and stop and play it agian for like 20 mins l8r on in the same day

also i play Sabotuer for like 30 - 40 minsif im in the mood

i guess i need a FPS game where i can play online cause when i got WaW, MW2, BFBC2 i played online with my friends for like 4 hours

i guess i need to play good online games to play long

longest i played a game was MW2 with my 2 buddies and my buddies cousin and uncles i played for like 2pm-10pm so i play for like 7 hours - 8hrs

now only 30 mins damn


also i got no money so i cant go for the 2 get 50 bucks deal

buy 2 get 50$ gift card deal

so i saw the newspaper ystrday and i read a toy r rus and if you buy 2 game worth 40 bucks or 60 bucks each you get a 50 dollar gift card

so you pretty much have to buy 2 games and you get a new game for free

if you dont want to be seen walking into toy r rus

at target there is buy 2 games worth 40 bucks and up and get a 20 dollar gift card

you rather go to toy r rus instead

ima go tmr or friday

so run get the games you want

i myb get

fifa 10, NBA LIVE 10, dragon age origins (not really a rpg fan but i need a good long game to wait for when i get money)

batman AA, operation dragon rishing

myb heavy rain but i could borrow that from my bro friend

and for the 50 dollar gift card ill keep it and get the new MOH, COD BLACK OPS, or GHOST RECON FUTURE SOLDIER

so i got ur back guys use this oppurtonity to get games

90 friends psn

so ysrtdy i had 23 ppl online at one time and i was blowen away since i never had that much ppl online at the same time

so i decided to count how much friends i had on psn

i had 88 friends but than two ppl added me when i fought them in UFC Undistpued 2009

since we had a good fight and they decided to add me

so now i have 90 friends

also wat is the highest amount of friends you can have

100TH blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so what games are u guys been playing recently

i in the other hand have been playing so good game

i been playing

The Sabotuer a really good game


Red Dead Redmption just trying to get to lv 50 for my 14th platinum at the moment i am lv 38

havnet played CALL of Juarez that much since i been playing wild west game for 2 months now and when i plat RDR ima rest from wild west game and then play COJ l8r this year

need money badly

so i really nedd money to get good stuff like

a 360 with 2 controllers and some games from a friends for 120- 150 bucks best deal on a 360 i seen ever

the new MOH limited edition cause i heared they give it to you free of charge so 60 bucks for a limited edition not bad

also they give you medal of honor frontline whiihc is only for ps3 which is great since frontline was my first FPS game i owned

the new COD BLACK OPS just want it since i like fps games

Future soldier ghost recon wanted it ever since i wrote about it in a blog like 10 monsths ago

so yea i lost a chance to get a job in sales with a company thats sells knives and suppiles for kitchens but i was only 17 you need to be 18 i hope they call me next year to get it

they called me for a interview since my friend who just worked there recommended me for a job so i was damn piss

could have gotten money nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

such a underrated game

dude believe it our not the SABOTUER is such a good game

dude it is so frickin fun playing it

im not so far out in the story mode game but i know enough and played enough that this game is really good

gamespot gave this game a 7 i think this game deserves a 9 man it is so good

a few glitch parts in some cutscenes

but overall a very very very good game

i recommend this game 4 every1 except if ur young cause there is lots of nuditiy in it

killing nazi havent been this much fun but killing them is this game for ome reasom is so fun