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i have dishonored my name

so i got 2 new plats

they are

call of duty classic- couldnt beat it on hard and vet


socom confortation - got 46% trophies was a good game

i have use glitch save data to acheive these two plats i have dishonored my name of being a trophy hunter

also for any of you guys getting crackdown 2 in kmart if you buy it you get a 20 buck microsoft card

i dont know whtat card it is but 20 bucks is alot

also at ubishop.com you can get ghost recon future soldier for 40.49 bucks since i got two code coupons that reduce there prices shld i get the game for 40 bucks

so yea got 2 plats

also i didnt know there were soo many plat glitches damn

Dante's Inferno any1?

so i saw a deal in kmart for this game

Dante's Inferno - 30 bucks

is it worth it cause its pretty cheap for 30 bucks

also i am the heavyweigth champ in UFC 2009 beat mintouro in KO

also im #298 /51676 for this week in KZ2

also im lv 12 99% to lv 13 for trophy collocting


a game store before it change its name to gamestop

i found a game purchase reciet and it said


and i was like lawlz good memories

also im

#320/ 39074 in week Killzone 2

i think im in top 1% so im play KZ2 a little less since i n=been playing 12 hrs a day

but still im play it to keep my rank up

also i was reading a blog and saw this comment

he wrote about him buying games like fight night rd 4 and dark void at EB games for 10 bucks each NEW

i just sent him a message if it real or true cause dude 10 bucks each ill buy it even if the game is gay like i heard dark viod was fun but not the best

the blog was written by @kingrich06

i wont be on for this week

so yea trying to plat kz2

and im currently going for the grand valor cross which you have to get in the top 1% for the week

so far i bee gaming my hearts out in killzone 2

so i will not be on until next week

even if i dont get it ill probably get the other 2 citations medals



#871 / 35751 for this week in KZ2 n i need to be under 250 at least to insure myself that im in the top 1%

so i myb get it until sunday

hope i get it

ill see al you guys until this is over

goin for KZ2 plat

ima get my KZ2 copy hopefullt tdy back from a buddy and start playing it again

it was such a good game that i hate looking at it in my trophy collection on not being finish

i just need the online medal and valor crosses trophies

then i also need to find the last few iconlast, beat the last stage with out dying which is hard

and finally

beat it on elite - i could tell ima go crazy playing it on elite since i heard it is really diffcult

but ih ope from my FPS experience i think i could handle it

i am now taking a rest from Red Dead myb cause i hate cougars in that game right now but i WILL get the PLATINUM for THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!

no luck is needed from you guys cause i got this man i got this

the way things shld be with trophies/achievements

so yea i would think that on the amont of trophies or achievements you have you shld be able to use and spend it on games in the psn / microsoft stores for those acrade games

you know what i mean

cause i have a decent amount of trophies and it that were true i would never have to pay for a game ever again ill just use my trophy points to buy new games

cause i have no money and want more games

any1 watched The KIngdom

its the movie about terroirts and all that stuff about FBI checking out who or what group was responsidble for the killing of americans

k if u watched it i hope u can help out here

so in the baseball scene b4 the bombing where the americans workers are playing baseball

you hear a song what is that songs name

cause tdy i went to taco bell to eat with my buddies and i heard it and i swear it was the same song at the baseball scene my m8 also said it was the sam song since i showed him the movie

so i want to know if any of you guys know that songs name cause it is pretty cool and has a touchy sound to it and fits with summer time

also the movie is preetty good makes you thinkabout poltics and government stuff and the real reason about 9/11

to bad i deleted the movie cause i needed space on my ps3

any1 here got KILLZONE 2

i know many of u have KZ2 so im asking a favor from each one of you guys

im trying to go for KZ2 plat again but i need help

so if u dont mind helping me boost for the ribbion trophies and weekly award trophies

add me cause i really want this plat

also i got madden 10 plat so i now have 11 plats

also going for RDR plat and Uncharted 1 plat agian as well but im resting from RDR for now

so yea add me cause i got some ppl who well help us achive a plat for this aewsome game

any1 here got madden 10

stilll need help with my last madden 10 trophy

so if any of you guys have it plz add me i know at least one of you guys have it

just need lateral trophy plz help me

i want to return it back b4 its 7 day period so i could get my money back n buy a new game like batman aslusalym or whatever it is called or myb fifa 10

so plz add me and help me

2 plats in 2 days

you heard it ppl im getting 2 platinums in 2 days

i got TEKKEN 6 plats ystrdy and tdy ima try n get madden 10 plat since i am one trophy away

and that trophy is easy i did all the hard ones this moprning so if any of you guys got madden 10 add me casue i just need the lateral trophy and BING my 11th platinunm

my highest of getting plats in a month was 5 plats in one month

plats were :

Assassin Creed 2
Modern Warfare
Uncharted 2
Sonic and Genesis Collection
Dynasty Warrior 6 empires

got all these plats on janurary or febaurary

so yep add me if u got madden cause i am so close to plating it