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3 trophies away from 3 plats

so i am 3 trophies away from 3 plats

these are the games

Madden 10 -

Larry stickyfingers- it is kind of hard to get neeed 10 user cathc with larry fitrz

Gang tackle trophy - use 7 or more ppl to trigger a gang tackle

Lateralt trophy - give a lateral to someone online

Red Dead Redemption-

100% trophy- get 100% im 97.5% just need to do 5 more bounties in mexico and finish up my last challegne

Posse up - need ppl for this but every1 is not playing this so i guess ill wait

lv 50 trophy- get to h ighest rank ill get this after i get the posse up trophy

Tekken 6-

Nightmare train- beat the nightmare train stage it is imposiible for me since to only character i got that has good items is draonnov

Lv alisa to highest lv- get this auotmotic after beating nightmare stage

beating all the stages- get this automiatic after beating nihgmare train stage

so 3 is the number that is unlucky lol 20 is my lucky and 3 is my unlucky number

man everything is happening in pairs lol

also my next blog well my be about me ranking up in gamespot and psn

gamespot im 95% from ranking up and in psn im 91% from ranking up

so yea everything happens in pairs lolz

20 friends on psn at once

so tdy i just finished gaming for the day and i got a message so i check it out and replied

and then i looked at my friend list and damn

there were 20 people online playing at the same time

this is my highest of seeing that many ppl on my friend list at one time

also it was funny seeing my last blog got 20 comments as well that is the highest amount of comments i got so far as well in gamespot

so i guess 20 is my lucky high number and all this happened tdy wow

1000 trophies

well tdy ig to my 1000th trophy finally

as u see my trophy card here

the thousandth trophy was from rock band 2 -

Flawless groove - getting 100% notes on expert using the bass

got 3 new games

tdy i went to check out gamestop

and they had a buy 2 get 1 free so i had to use the deal cause i rarley see these deals alot these days

since i only had 50 bucks

i got these 3 games

Rock Band 2 - pretty fun so far

MAdden 10 - i like it so far as well

UFC 2009 disturbetd - it is fun smashing ppl so i like it

so far im happy with the choices i made

also i need help with the posse up trophy but u guys probably not going to help me anyway cause i wrote this same sentence in almost every single blog i wrote in during the past 2 weeks

where do i find cougars in red dead?

i really need to find cougars cause im on my last chalelnge and im on rank 5 whihc is

to knife kill 2 cougars and i been searching evrywhere n i cant find any i need help plz tell me where u guys find them

also how would i be able to kinfe kill them if they can kill me with 2 swings

i really need help im 96.4% done and this is my last challenge n then i just have to kill hte bounties n fisinsh up a treasue outfit

also where can i find a treasure hunter bounty cause i need to capture one for my treasure outfit

these r the two things i really need help inplz help me

wow 3 good games in the fall

so there are 3 good games coming out in the fall and i wish i had money but i only got 50 bucks in my wallet

the three games are-

Medal of Honor- Oct 12 2010

heard you could unlock a beard as you play muilt nice

Assassin Creed brotherhood - Nov 16 2010

looks like a sick game graphics looks really asthnosing

Call of Duty Black Ops - Nov 9 2010

looks good but same old cod so ima wait on this myb

i really want to get MoH and AC brotherhood but ill wait on COD Ops since its probably be the same as all COD games but if i have enough money ill get all three so far i could only get one and that prbablly be MoH since i cant wait for that any longer Ac brotherhood ill also wait since i played AC2 and beat it and plat it there was no replay value since ig ot everything so ill wait on it and Black Ops

shld i trade BFBC2 for Resistance 2 and 30 bucks

like the title said shld i give BFBC2 to a friend for Resistance 2 and 30 bucks and remember i paird 50 bucks for BFBC2

so i dont know what to do really shld i trade or na

also i watch the kevin butler call to arms video

and i got to say pretty lawlz man you guys shld go check it out

lawlz gaming is about having a riducoulous size tv in a small apartment lawlz

also getting a headshot to drifing in a corner at 100 miles per hour, and fighting a 600 ft giant god whatever if hes your father or not lawlz

staying up until 3 a.m to earn a trophy lawlz made me laugh pretty good

words stole from kevin butler its not excat but its funny

really u shld go watch it

also question about the new medal of honor

if i pre order it where do i get the beta code do i get it from the gamestop people

also i heard that if you got the vip code for BFBC2 you get to play the MOH beta demo on june 17 instead of june 21

is it true cause i may want to reserve it tmr or on friday i hope its free also i saw on someones comment that you get medal of honor frontline exclusivly like getting cod classic cause i hope so if both things i wrote are tru im going to pre order it

games i cant wait

many games i heard and read about

also i wacthed many trailers and demo muiltiply times

cant wait to get them

MEDAL OF HONOR - like MOH since frotnline but hate the whole series after playing european assault on the ps2

watched the trailer and it looks sweet

also i may be want to pre order it to get my hands on the beta(would be my first beta ever)

also since i got battlefield 2 VIP account i would be able to play the beta earlier than everyone else:D

also i found out tdy that MOH is going to be like BFBC in the muiltplayer part

hope it has a better rank up system cause i got bored at lv30 in BFBC2 since i did everything

CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS- saw the demo ystrday and i got to say pretty sweet touch

looks pretty good and ima get it but im not going to pre order it myb sinceima just get it the day after it comes out since i may be busy playing the new MOH

Tom CLANCY FUTURE SOLDIER - looks pretty awesome

the new technoolgy and steath suits makes the game a whole lot better

i post a blog like something moths ago before it was really known about the game and i got to say cant waut

KILLZONe 3- two words


Assassin Creed brotherhood- think thats the name of the title

so it a E3 and damn looks fresh and saw the trailer looks pretty real for cutscene/trailer

also you can make a army of assassin and increase their abilities man cant wait for this game

so yea these are the games so far that i cant wait for

games i wish and need help to plat on

yes this is going to be the first time in my whole gaming career that i need help or aja boosting

just writing the word boosting makes me mad cause i try to get all my plats legitlly

games i need help plating-

KILLZONE 2- it was such a good game that i feel ashame to have it not plated im around 40% of out 66% needed to plat since they added the DLC

i heard that most ppl boosted to plat KZ2 and i asking any1 who wants this plat or wants to help me it plz step forward and add me

Red Dead Redemption- i just need the online trophies to boost

such as getting to 8 ppl in a posse, winning 3 times in a row in free for all and winning 4 times in a row for gang matches

i know i asked some of you guys alrdy but it seem u guys r busy so ill ask to rest to help me

games that i so piss cause im so close to plat but cant-

TEKKEN 6- i just have to beat devil jin on the nightmare stage

and i got all the trophies in that minute including the plat

3 trophies away from plat

beating devil ji on mightmare train, beating all story missions, and leveling up alisa to the max

dont ned help boosting but some tips on beating devil jin would be helpful

so this is it ima go check out some trophy guides to see what i can pick up on hints

c all you gentes and chicks l8r

the things about Red Dead story you didnt know

yea i was playing ysterday and bought a newspaper for the first time after i beat the game

and i read it and you know what i found out

that Landon Ricketts died sleeping peacefully man ill miss that old legend

Seth BAirs- the crazy treasure guy actually found gold and i think is rich now

The porfessor guy at blackwater got kick out off his unveristy

MArshall Johnson retired and moved from Austin as far has he could

The Dicken guy i didnt read about cause i hate that SOB the worst character in the game i thought

also they had other stuff

man i was shocked that Landon Rickett died he was to me the coolest character i ever met in a game