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presureone911 Blog

To help my loving fans( yes I can dream can't I)

For all the people who are having trouble with  connectiong there 360 with WMP (windows media player) is don't. It is much easier to download the zune software. Its microsofts equivalent of Itunes. It steamlines the process and is extemely easy. If that doesn't work, I don't know, it's not my problem, but feel free to pm me with specific problems. Mainly just to make me feel better about myself but I think I may be able to help, or before you do that make sure you have downloaded the connection software that the 360 tells you to.

That entire paragraph was a self promotion to help increase my crippled selfesteem. Now let me crawl back into my hole and hide from fresh air and light. And finally if anyone whoknows anything about when the halo 3 beta is begining tell me. Yes I have an invite. Also if you have one to and want to play together contact me.

Tba 2007

The new battlefield: Bad Company trailer is one of the best game trailers I have seen in a while. As of this moment(it may change by the time you read this) gomaespot doesn't have it so go to GT and see it for yourself. I love it, but not in a creepy stalker way.

Hmm. It's been a while.

It's been a while since I've posted and alot of things have happened since then. I reaaly don't feel like taking the time to mention them so I wont. Maybe I'll mention a few. Edgeworks has started releasing the episodes for the Heretic, In my humble opinion it very well done work. I'm playing alot of Buning Crusades latly. Good stuff I wish I could stop. I think my consoles are getting angry at me. Last night ( I couldn't tell but) I think I saw my 360 with an axe. Do you think thats a bad sign? It bothers me considering I don't have an axe and my 360 isn't a 40 year old dude. I still have found no reson to buy a PS3. If you have one please tell me and then ship me the $600 I'm kind of broke at the moment. Well I ran out of things to say, After I finish writing this I will think of more but I wont post it. Good bye.

Bomb Scares are Fun

Yes I do live in Boston, and this is one of the funniest thing to happen in many years, and may I state again polotics are stupid.

And to prove my point are these people.
No I am in no way connected to these people.

What the F****, I hate stupid polotics

    Spencer Halpin is creating a new documentary called Moral Kombat (haha funny, thats sarcasm) about video games and there effects on youth. This wouldn't be that bad but it's no so much a well rounded documentary that shows all sides of the argument as it is a hate speech. To prove this I will list off the people shown in the documentary Joe Liberman and Jack Tompson. There are a few others but simply listing those names is enough. The trailer (that can be seen on Youtube) contradicts it self multiple times, if you think about it. To get that bad taste of that trailer out of your mouth I highly recommend watching the Re: Moral Kombat ( no I didn't make it). I hate righting things like this because its hard to express the rage I am feeling right now ant the stupidity of the people making that documentary, non of them even have any credentials to be saying what they are. It makes them come off more as jack- asses instead of intellectuals.

Well you"ve had a good run.

As many of you know Greg K. is leaving gamespot to become a videogame develpoer. While this is sad i can only imagine what crazy ideas that man can put in a game. I also noticed that Greg K. mentioned ( in his fairly lengthy good-bye) never mentioned where he was going to work. Maybe he's going to pull a Carrie and make us sweat it out. Well all in all I can only say good-bye Greg I really like the work you did at gamespot and I highly respect your desicion as I one day aspire to break into the gaming industry.
Good Luck

Machinima at its finest

Due to lack of things to do and this daunting feeling not to move from my computer. I have decided to share with you my favorite machinima series and companies.
1) Rooster Teeth- This is an obvious choose for my list. I have been watching them since they were mirrored on
Red vs Blue
The Strangerhood
2) Edgeworks- admittedly i started watching there work late in the series of the Codex.
The Codex
The Heretic
The Forsaken
3) Halo Chronicles- These people came up with Tales of the First Ring. It may not be the flashiest machinima it has great story and characters.
Halo CE Chronicles
4)Hollywood Halo- This is a clan in the Halo community totally dedicated to machinama, and thus they have no real series to speak of only movies, that are released in episodes.

This remids me the one year anniversary of the death of ThatWeasle is in febuary (he was a big figure head in the halo and machinama univese). He ran the the Rockets on Prisoners  Machinima  Awards. I forget the exact day so any time in febuary please give a moment of silece. Thats all I have to say.
I guess I should get up and move arond now, but that seems to much like work, well goodbye.

A Great Way to Spend Three Minutes

If you don't know I am a big fan of machinima ( making of movie using a game). One of my more respected series ( i think that is grammatically incorrect, O'well) is the Codex series, I am personally a big fan, as in I don't care wheather you like it on not, thats your desion to make.
Getting back on topic, after a 3 month hiatus there website has finally been updated and there new series THE HERETIC has finally gotten a new trailer and it is baddass from start to finish. If your not familiar with there prior work it may be a little confusing, but you can always watch them, considering there free.
Thats all I really have to say. So what do you think about that ps3. The only way i can see myself getting it os a lower price some actually in stock, and the announcment of Ratchent and Clank 5. I am a serious Imsomniac fan boy. Until I know the release date for it I see no reason to own a ps3 other than Resistance: Fall of Man, the other Insomniac tilte but considering it is a launch title there os little chance of that happening. I have seein the leeked TGS screenshots of RaC so I know its coming some time.
Well thats all I can think of right now, Good bye

The pits of Hell Surround me

Thats so emo of me. Yestarday I waited in line for 14 hours to get a wii( not that i needed to, it was more just to hang out with my friends) at my local best buy. after getting the wii i figured i would go pick up my zelda pre-order at Gamestop. Once i got there the manager comes up to me and says "sorry we sold you copy" I asked if the person he sold it to had a pre-order. he replied "no". I will rip his limbs off and feed them to him i now have to wait a week to play Twilight princess and am stuck with wii sports(its not a bad game but it cant hold me over for a week). I only have one thing to say , im going to start cutting myself.


RIP Clover Studios we will miss you.
Hmph, so now what, I cleared out 30min of my time to write this. So hows it going all you gamespotters. Thats nice me to.
I have nothing else goodbye.
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