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presureone911 Blog

The Fall of RPG's

That titile is misleading. In anticipation of new next gen consoles money has been fairly thin latly. Ive been saving up and now have to play old(er) games to stop myself from spending that hard earned money. These games incluse KOTOR I+II, Fable,amd FFX. Yes those are all RPGs (hense the title of this entry). However I will admit I have puchased Okami and it is great. I will get that $40 back. Right right, why dont you answer.

Season 5 is Here

Like it or not RVB ( red vs blue) season 5 has begun.It is truly a great day. The new episode may be some of rooster teeths finest work, honestly. I recommend everyone goes to see it, right now. Or on monday if your now a paying subscriber.


Me and a few of my friends just got a hold of a few tickets to the Nintendo Fusion tour. I'm trying to get my hands on the Wii while I'm there. The musicsucks but thats not what im going for . I will be going on Oct. 5 to Worcter, MA ( I think i spelled that wrong). Its about an hour or two drive from my house on the Cape.I am very excited.

Wii Mania

Yes, this will be short and sweet. I simply want a Wii. I may also get a PS3 in 3-5 years depending on the price drops.

My Mistake

Due to an update of the ESA changing E3 news story that I did not read i mistakingly said E3will be in mach. The news story says it will come in July. Sorry for the mistake, my bad.

I hate glitches(most of the time)

This level 20 glitch is ticking me off. I've had this level for nearly a month now and I'm only at 27%. Don't me wrong I loved the level 16-19 glitch (even if it gave me an unfufilled feeling).I know the point values return normal but, I'm boared of metal slime.
I'm starting to sound whinny.I'm makin myself mad. I don't think I thought this whole post through. I'm just going to stop typing.

Until Next May

Before I says what I want to, let me give you a brief overview of the history of E3. The convention actually started in a small corner of CES showing off such amazing games as Pong and Astroids. Over the years this small corner grew in popularity, expanding and eventually branching out into its own entity. Up until last yearsit sprung out and grew into the monster we all knew and for the most part, loved and desired to be there. Now with E3 going through serious downsizing I have a few hard hitting questions.
1) How will gamespot's (among others) coverage of the event change?
2) Willl this be beneficial or destructive to smaller companies?
I will hope beneficial because n the past small companie's games were simply passed over, in no small part thanks to industry conglomerates like EA and Bungie(I'm not saying thats necessarily a bad thing but the coverage should be spread more evenly due to the new format)
3) Will E3 without all the light and sounds have the same feeling or impact on the indusry that it currently(or should I say did) has?
4) How will this new affect gaming companies( if they didn't already know)?
None of use can truly know how the new format will pan out it seems we will just have to wait until next May.

Heat (not the movie)

As the summer drags on and A.C. units and fans just stop working we are forced to remember why we spend our time inside, simply for the love of the game, or I other cases a lack of friend. If you don't get what im saying it is hot and stiky and if  I don't shower I start to stink.My A.C. is broke and my PC is getting very hot and hard to sit next to.So I put out my hands and ask for help, please, send ice.

Worst Entry Ever

This is my first blog entry on gamespot.Ive been a member a while and I hope to add much more to my little corner of this great website. This blog will be complete with videos and my opinions of of any game I come across. The first article of buisness is next gen gaming, more specifically the effect it has had on my game collection.ithas been decreased my buy a minimum of 50% in order to allow me to buy a Xbox360 and 4 games.
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