@craigtl: I think Flash in Homecoming is only used for being a bully and for comedic purposes just like other Spider-Man movies. I don't think he will become Agent Venom from the comics.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: It doesn't always have to be about fighting. Helping a guy from falling of a building, racing the time to get people to the hospital, and so on are also fun. Defusing bombs and rescue people from buildings on fire in TASM2 are also kinda fun when the controls work.
Random mugging or something similar is a must for me. Otherwise, what would the player do in the open world? Collecting stuffs? Traversing to the next mission? I know swinging pointlessly is fun but I sometimes want an objective for doing that. Trying to swing fast and stylishly while going to stop a mugging is my definition of fun.
@Rufus_the_rat: You don't have to take this game THAT seriously. We don't even know if they really are Americans. Maybe these guys are not local. Maybe they just decide to use Montana as their base of operation after a long journey. Maybe they are just a drug cartel that uses religion as a front. Maybe they are just crazy, just like everyone in Far Cry games.
What's with people these days getting offended by everything? It's just a game and it is a fiction. I don't really care who I shoot in video games if they are supposed to be enemies. Nazis in WW2 games as the enemy? Good. Middle Eastern men in games set in that area? Great. Asians? Europeans? Americans? Black? White? Christians? Muslims? All okay. If they are supposed to be bad in the context of those games, then let them be. We don't have to link everything to reality and get offended by it.
@merwanor: I would love that but it is unlikely we will get all 3 eras. At least I hope the campaign will have us play at least 2 factions. I don't like how Battlefront tried to paint all of the Empire as villains. I want a story of a stormtrooper struggling in a war he didn't want to fight as well as a rebel one. Kyle Katarn in the old games (now legends) used to be a stormtrooper. Even SWTOR let you play as good Imperials.
@nikon133: Yep, I played and finished every GoW game except for Ascension. The first one was a fresh experience. The second one improved on the first. The third one brought out the epic battles. PSP ones are okay but when I got to play Ascension, I got tired of the gameplay and never finished it. Glad the series have changed now.
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