200 characters? I don't think TFA has that many characters. Also, PS version gets early access to The Empire Strikes Back character pack so I think there may be other characters from other episodes too. But, really? We cannot play EpV characters until the exclusivity ends?
@dcoutten: Yes, the first PoP was about saving the princess from the vizier within an hour but the movie was based on The Sands of Time and that game, for the most part, was mainly about the prince trying to figure out what happened to the world and how to turn it back while Farah, the Indian princess, was not that important to the story IMO. She was kind of there for the purpose of people puzzles that require 2 people.
Hope It won't be like Prince of Persia or the new Hitman. I love the PoP movie but I don't like the fact that in every single game that has a lone male protagonist, the movie of that game will always introduce a female protagonist, possibly love interest, so it doesn't feel like it is an adaption of a game but just another hollywood film.
I'm afraid that by staying true to the franchise's established fiction, we won't get another game like KOTOR2. Star Wars will not have any more dark story like that. Such a shame.
Played the beta. Love it. I don't like COD or Battlefield multiplayer at all so I don't play them. So, for me, the new Star Wars Battlefront doesn't feel like Battlefield with Star Wars skin.
@justinc882 @IanNottinghamX Sadly, my friends are not the type to really play seriously. They just go and kill every enemy they see. One of them even use Shay's costume on the first playthrough so that really breaks the immersion for me but that's his choice so I can't really complain. To sum it up, coop in AC needs to be played with like-minded friends.
The animus user always has control of the avatar because it's a simulation, not real history. To get 100% sync, he needs to do exactly the same things as his ancestor did. The dialogues of the ancestor are not in control though.
After reread the whole review, I still cannot understand what he wrote about. But I DO understand that he isn't the target audience for this game. He missed the point completely. Dead Rising is always about silly fun with zombies. It is not supposed to be scary as he thought it should be.
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