Shouldn't the score be something like this? 1-2 for broken games, 3-4 for bad games, 5-6 for mediocre games but works just fine, 7-8 for good/great games and 9-10 for really great games.
For me Dead Rising 3 for PC is a good game with performance issues so I give it 6 or 7.
Yes, TOR is good. It's fun and addicting. But if you're a free user or past subscriber then it will be a lot more grinding 'cause of EXP penalty. And it's very hard if you want to play solo and enjoy the story without anyone interupting.
Yeah! I want a new KOTOR with a world bigger than Mass Effect without being an MMO. I don't know what genre is best for Star Wars games. Since it involves a lot of guns so yeah, a shooter like 1313 is most likely to sell. I still want more RPG though.
Dark Arisen is a full game (plus new contents). It's like GOTY version without releasing new contents for the original version. The devs said it's not a DLC because the game code prevent them to do that so they had to put it in as part of the full game.
pretty_odddd's comments