@kachal: No one said that a game had to be brutally difficult to be enjoyable....... it was an rpg game designed for everybody. It was released by Warner Bros. and available on every platform, and in Xbox bundles so that different audiences of all ages could get into it. W3 was never meant to be a Dark Souls or a hardcore JRPG that no one understands.
Hopefully we will see more fun games this year like Ori, or a Mario Maker 2.... games that we can all sit around, play and not have to worry if it will be GOTY... those are games which actually succeeded because they are similar to our childhood games. As long as it's good, I'll always be up for a gorgeous Ori style game or a 2D Mario.The Division, hopefully it won't be this year's Watch Dogs. I've been too excited about that game for it to fail. Overwatch looks like the best FPS game since CS. I love Siege this year, and Overwatch has me giggling like a kid... it looks like a really well made game. That could be 2016's GOTY, who knows.... it's just so good looking for an FPS. The maps/worlds look so good, and I'm a hard person to please. Just many many good looking games coming up... which started in 2015 and hopefully will continue. We may finally see a good run of games year after year like back in the day... who would have thought that Xenoblade Chronicles for WiiU would look that good.
Good for CDPR. A hope of light amongst greedy corporations who create pay walls and make you pay to PRESS START. One thing that doesn't really get mentioned is how amazing the W3 art team is. The character design and costumes for the characters are amazing. It feels as if you're in those medieval times but at the same time a fashion sense emerges out of the whole thing to where you can see how girls could dress like Ciri for example in the modern day and it would still work, and they would still look cool. The armor is all authentic looking with a sense of fine taste and fun looks.... I'm glad how it's not all geeky lvl. 99 Rune Armor that all looks like the same steel knight armor. Who doesn't love Geralt in vivid stripes? Makes his ass look cute. kekekeke
I still want this to be good and succeed for what it is. Too many perceptions that this game was going to be some mass scale multi-player sand box fight anyone any time and build your base in any building, fortify it and defend it ...... then we woke up in reality. and people made poopoo faces. Graphics got too hyped.... tablet future mode disappeared, and the gameplay misled everyone into thinking that this would be some real-time tactical future urban RTS with actors voice communicating and lying straight to our faces in the demo. lol "OK SCOTT! GREAT JOB! I'LL COVER YOUR FLANK!" Deze nutz babe, deze nutz.
@depman1972: Fallout 4 was pretty terrible dude. It's been said many times now how this game tried to sell copies based on Bethesda's company legacy. This game was not an improvement whatsoever, it didn't even look like a current gen game but something from 2004 running off of my Hey Dude You Got a Dell machine. How it even got a 9 rating was pretty simple..... $. This game came nowhere near W3. W3 was an intimate game full of memorable and iconic characters which people will remember fondly.... FO4 was a lazy no effort garbage game designed to take your money because, "It's Fallout 4 broooo, how can you hate on Fallout bro, are you crazy?" Game sucked!
My favorite gaming moment? Staring at Geralt's beard physics on my PC screen seeing if I can spot it growing. I like to think that it was cute and endearing, and time well spent.
PrickPear's comments