I passed on Metal Gear Solid 4 because i herd about the cutscene-gameplay ratio, but i really do like stealth games and a good story and i am considering the HD collection.
So do the other Metal Gear games besides number 4 have more move-length cutscenes than gameplay?
ps3gameplayer's forum posts
Red Dead Redemtion isn't boring and neither is GTA IV, GTA IV is just a let down from previous games but i still enjoyed it as a game of it's own and beat is 4 times (As a game of it's own - 9.0, as a GTA - 7.0).
Haven't got the chane to play LA Noir yet.
Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo have spread over the PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 and they sell great. Also God of War and Ratchet and Clank sprea across PS2, PSP and PS3, there may have not been anything on PS1 but micrsoft didn't have a console then so there was no Halo, Fable etc then eithe.
Old Thread i know.
- Saints Row 2- Sure the score wasn't that bad (even thouhg it deserved more than the 8.0s it got nearly everywhere) but every review i saw was biased and compared it to GTA IV and no one could just give a fully fair review.
- Tomb Raider Underworld - WORST GAMESPOT REVIEW that i have ever seen, got bashed in the review for having clipping issues (that I never come across), being familar to previous games (the most hypocritical thing I have ever seen in a review, Mario games are the same every time and they get endless praise) and a weak story (you have to play Legend to understand).
There are more but i can't be bothered listing them right now.
[QUOTE="ps3gameplayer"]I take it you're a hardcore Call of Duty fan. Not really no, infact the only CoD i own is WaW because i got it cheap in 2009It doesn't bother me at all, that is even if i notice, it is a game not a movie, who cares.
Just Cause 2 supposibly has terrible voice acting and i never notice, i buy games for games not movies.
I don't see why people focus on voice acting so much in a review?
Okay you got a point there, if Commander Shepard sound like Beiber i would have smashed my Mass Effect 2 disk. PS: Not a troll topicThis feels like a troll topic, but w/e...
Good voice acting in a game is just as important a good actor in a movie. You want to feel immersed in the game and you want the characters to be likeable. Do you want Commander Shepard to sound like Justin Bieber, TC? Or Solid Snake to sound like Jessica Alba? I didn't think so...
From what i have heard Splinter Cell Conviction is still a stealth game, just with less stealth options. And I know for a fact that GTA IV is still a sandbox game, just with less sandbox options. But only Splinter Cell gets criticized (i haven't been able to play conviction due to owning a PS3, but i have watched the review) and Grand Theft Auto IV gets a perfect 10. Know what i mean by biased now?[QUOTE="ps3gameplayer"][QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
well, splinter cell was always a stealth series. there could be a complaint about gta4 if it stopped being a sandbox game and became a linear driving/mission game.
well, they were reviewed by two different people. what sandbox options are really gone from gta4. you mentioned vehicles, weapons, and map size but that doesn't really change the nature of the game.
Features Removed from GTA IV:
- Planes
- Most Helicopters
- Fun Vehicles such as the Go-Kart and Dune Buggy
- Map Size
- Buyable Safehouses
- Fun Cheats, riot mode etc
- Most Weapons
- Drivable Trains
- Side Missions
- Game Length
Features that replaced these:
- Multiplayer (the only good one)
- Riding in Taxis
- Friends
- Bowling
- Darts
- Helicopter Tours
- Drinking
- Going to the Cabaret Club or Comedy Club with your friend
- Watching TV within the game your playing on your TV
- Internet Cafe
- Cell Phone
- Grand Theft Auto IV, a great game of it's own but a terrible GTA.
- The Sims 3, i only play the Sims games for building and Sims 3 replaced buildable community lots with large placable objects.
I don't see why people keep bashing Uncharted 3, it was the best in the series in my opinon (but they are all superb games), just not as long as the Uncharted 2.
It is not about the game genre, it is about the overall complaint, they complained about Splinter Cell Conviction having stealth options removed (which i can beleive) but no review complained about stuff being removed from Grand Theft Auto IV (vehicles, weapons, map size, etc).[QUOTE="ps3gameplayer"][QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
what does that have to do with bias and since when was grand theft auto astealth game? :?
well, splinter cell was always a stealth series. there could be a complaint about gta4 if it stopped being a sandbox game and became a linear driving/mission game.
From what i have heard Splinter Cell Conviction is still a stealth game, just with less stealth options. And I know for a fact that GTA IV is still a sandbox game, just with less sandbox options. But only Splinter Cell gets criticized (i haven't been able to play conviction due to owning a PS3, but i have watched the review) and Grand Theft Auto IV gets a perfect 10. Know what i mean by biased now?
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