@toddx77 @psdsoldier25 Yeah i have a pretty decent pc. I am pretty sure i would be able to run it guess i need to purchase the first one and give the series another try...
You know damn near every single person i have talked to said The Witcher 2 was a great game not to mention the game received stellar ratings so i was stoked when it came out on XBox 360. I bought the game and started playing it and i could not get into it at all. I tried and tried but just couldnt so i think im gonna pass on this one....
Sorry but i do not see the offense and i really do not see how this could offend anyone. This is one awesome CE of a game. As a matter of a fact i am seriously considering ordering this edition just for the swag even though the game is region locked and i will not be able to play the game. I'll just have to buy a regular edition game here in the states to be able to play it. Maaannn i sure do want that decapitated bikini statue....
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