God of War: Chains of Olympus
psicat1976's forum posts
1. Castlevania Dracula x Chronicles
2. Star Wars Renegade Squadron
3. Daxter
4. Final Fantasy
5. Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
I'd say, if you want a buying order for thouse specific games,buy:
1. Star Wars Battlefront
2. Castlevania: DXC
3. Disgaea
4. MoH:H2
5. The Simpsons
6. FFT
7. Megaman: PU
8. GoW:CoO (Not out untill 3/2008.)
9. CC:FF7 (Not out untill 3/2008.)
I don't remember where I read it, but about the hot topic about PSP vs DS, the usual comparison that gets put up is that the PSP is equal to PS2 graphics whereas the DS is N64 graphics. And the real specs is that the DS is greater than the N64 and the PSP is weaker than the PS2. So they are very close.PharaohsVizier
I have them both, and love them both. I also own, and have owned several of the home systems. Socomparatively speaking the graphics for each system are basically:
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