@Jacanuk: Someone already explained that this guy in the video was a caricature of a gamer. The truth of the matter is that there are actually endomorphs like him, who still live in their parent's basements well into adulthood, don't do anything except live for gaming, and snack on chips and soda at 4am and have the biggest collection of Mcfalane toys as their closest friends. So, it wasn't that difficult for me to believe that guy was beyond saving. If you ask what I mean about "saving," I literally mean this candidate has a higher risk of heart disease, and social ineptitude that could prevent someone from finding happiness away from a computer screen.
Who are you to judge how he lives his life? he has a wife, he has friends, he makes a shit ton of cash on youtube by being Francis and himself? so not entirely sure why you would even contemplate that he needs saving? Infact since you are one of those "people" who somehow think that unless we look like you , the human race is doomed. You are the one needs "saving" at least enough to make you see that its not your concern how someone else lives their life.
@psn_m1nat3k: the thing with boogie2988 is that he IS that sort of person but he creates the 'francis' character with self awareness. I'm not entirely sure why he doesnt try to lose weight though. I know we should accept people as they are but fro him to embrace unhealthiness as 'who he is', is a defeatist attitude and suggests 'depression'
Well, sure its not the healthiest to be overweight, but losing weight is also for some not something you just do, for some there is a number of other reasons than just eating 7 pizzas in a sitting. But in regards to Boogie, as long as the guy is happy its his life and thats whats important.
@Jacanuk I don't want to hijack Moinsyyed's thread. So - if you're happy being obese, I'm happy for you. If you're eating seven pizza's in one sitting, you probably have an overactive hypothalamus that you should see a doctor about. If you love those around you, don't ever let them use the phrase, "he was dead before he hit the floor," because your heart burst from eating seven pizzas to celebrate you getting 1,000,000 views on YouTube. Do not celebrate obesity, fight it.
I'm glad you got that off your chest. If you need me, I'll be over here living my life longer than you will ever hope to. N/R
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