1 day left
by psychofire on Comments
theres just over 1 day left till HALO 2 is out its going to be so sweet. im probably not going to sleep for a week after it comes out or atleast till i beat it. ive decide that ill play 1to 3 of the story line then i will explore the multi player maps, to find the best spots and stuff like that, then ill take it live. gggrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh i cant wait. *whistles a tune* dam it still cant wait. as i write this there is 1 day 13 hours 20 min. 11 sec. i like invader zim, its the awesomeist show there is fbut nicko-whoe-dean, sucks and banded it. theres these videos all over the net, about mp maps, and more plus halo2 was hacked. and the retarded hicks who sold it early.
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