Kinect is crap and be more crap for kinect 2 and this just small blow for microsoft . But In other news Microsoft lost money for the first time and angry about it. lol.
I think LBP VITA and LBP Kart Raceing will sale big and i can see lbp3 do by someone else but mm still have part in it. People sony going back ps2 days with family friendly so just have there chance if doent work out at least they try. Im picking up lbp kart raceing . If you h8 sony that your not really a fan that just troll .
Thx God for that i would seee come out next year and i think will :] can this be best one ? if this sales over ff7 they will start remakeing ff7 like they said long ago.
I knew when i saw E3 this year i knew there no more silent hill games and its end of it. I agree with Beatebrabing the games isnt what used to be and dead space going same way. next scary game im buying old classic doom 3 on ps3 includeing old reto games ya:]
OMG Plz dont can the game was looking forward to it . Reason? Well could can the game because they want to make open world final fanstey game and dont think this game was open world. Again for the first time since ps1 days . Rember pc vision for ff7 out downlord soon.
Well people saying that nindendo Will U powerful than xbox360 and ps3 well thats not true look they cant even get online working. No price no online working well done nindendo. If i was in charge ill make sure this gets online because i think it will work. No online no sale.
5 projects mmmm Bully 2 , Red Dead 3 , Agent, i dont think max pynce 4 because they finsish with the series i think . GTA6 . But i think as well working some titles for pspvita.
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