I think Sony will reasle ps4 next year because they need money to recover and if you dont like the idea at least you have the ps3 still more games to come as well. Sony will realse it next year because they dont want to be left behind so 213 right time.Sony did say they not doing downlord consle and love half clouding and half disc because sony knows people and there fans love there discs as well stream.
This game looks set to be the best one and Activevision so stupid to let it go because there movie games are flop this year and ya. And im thxing sqaureEnix picking this up.
xcom what happen last 12 hours .And for max pynce 3 did it deviled to me it did better than last two. its a shame they didnt do max pynce hd collection :[
I think he right i like 2 his games so far and ya this guy supports sony and he right next gen not needed until 217 maybe tell the microsoft and sony that .
Geabox support duke and guess what happen it was one worst video games of this gen . And if this game set same as a hobblie game ill blame gearbox they aslo supporting brothers in arms 3 reboot thats game going to be a joke.
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