Haha, that would be funny. Everytime a game flops on PS3, people who has FM2 should donate a car :lol:Pro_wrestlerDone and done. Hopefully they'll have nice and easy to draw symbols, I don't wanna deal with a huge friggin dragon if Lair flops.
pundog's forum posts
[QUOTE="Malvo"][QUOTE="NextGenNow"]What the hell do these damn ads mean?! I keep seeing them and I think wow...the dead goat...the racist ads....the insane game lineup....now this? Sony marketing has really lost their effing minds...
Its essentially implying an alter world (related to their slogan) where everyone can find something that caters to their needs. Granted, its an acid trip way of getting there, but it works.
pretty much, is an extremly clever ad, and its obvious that they went after the more mature and educatad audience, but whats the point? i dont see that ad helping their sales in anyway only a few people will get it, and those who do iam not so sure they would be intrested on getting a ps3, (sony is probly going to get some kind of award for these ad's tho)Â
Thats because you have to be mature and educated to have a high-enough paying job and be able to afford a PS3. They're just targeting their main consumer base.[QUOTE="Acemaster27"][QUOTE="hotdaisy18"]And this effects us gamers how?Javy03
Typical cow response. When they're losing the war like they are now, they just pretend its not going on. That way they can't see a defeat. They can't see lost ground.
What's the shakspear quote they seem to be applying? "Ignorance is the greater part of losing" perhaps?
LOL...talk about grasping at staws, MS has cut jobs too as well as EA(http://kotaku.com/gaming/ea/more-on-ea's-layoffs-152469.php). are they gonna fail too?? Whats typical is fanboys reading so much into the normal buisness moves in the buisness world. Sony has a full generation of data to determine what works and what doesnt with their branches and where they can save money. All buisness do this, its only the SW fanboys who read reshuffle and assume, sinking ship. Of the thousands of jobs Sony provides you really believe a few hundred is a big deal.Â
Its the way Sony laid people off though. If you're resizing/reshuffling your business you generally give people a warning and at first offer severance packages to people who volunteer to be laid off, giving them fair warning to find another job. The way Sony did it (not even informing middle management and asking people to either have their manager clean up their stuff or to set up an appointment to come in after operating hours) just reeks of Sony cutting jobs to quickly cut losses, not because they want to reshuffle their division.Yes. The Wii is doing a good job up here in Canada but because of its scarcity (the only way to get a Wii in the GTA is to show up outside a store at 6am) and the commercials the Wii doing very well. Although I think the 360 has better commercials, the Wii just has more mass appeal.
[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="E_x_i_l_e"][QUOTE="pundog"]Neither of them are particularily hard but in Diablo 2 the fights with Diablo and Baal take forever (at a reasonable level). E_x_i_l_e
My level 91 Zealot owns both Baal and Diablo easy.. just getting to Diablo with him is a problem :( damned Iron Maiden
Thats why I said at a reasonable level, I think I was a level 30-40 druid when I fought them. It took probably about an hour for each one.I'm talking Hell mode, that can be a real pain soloing some bosses in Hell if you didn't build your character well. Even killing Baal's minions in a party of 8 when you're the only Hammerdin doing anything while others leech experience can be troublesome, mainly because of the party, the enemy's are harder to kill and stronger, and if you get hit the right way you're in for a beating.. maybe even death... following some n00b Sorceress using telekenesis to steal your gold -_-
Okay I see where you're coming from, I only got to the 2nd difficulty level before I got bored with diablo 2.[QUOTE="pundog"]Neither of them are particularily hard but in Diablo 2 the fights with Diablo and Baal take forever (at a reasonable level). E_x_i_l_e
My level 91 Zealot owns both Baal and Diablo easy.. just getting to Diablo with him is a problem :( damned Iron Maiden
Thats why I said at a reasonable level, I think I was a level 30-40 druid when I fought them. It took probably about an hour for each one.Because it means SCEA is up s*** creek without a paddle?try answering the question...master debater....[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="hotdaisy18"]And this effects us gamers how?Solid-CELL
if some 1st party developers got laid off, then it might effect the developing of 1st party games.
The question mark was one of those little sarcastic things to try and say "you really asked that question?" as in, its pretty obvious why its bad for gamers when a gaming company has to lay off employees to save money. Besides, it doesn't actually say who was laid off.And this effects us gamers how?hotdaisy18Because it means SCEA is up s*** creek without a paddle?
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