[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"]I'm Sorry, my little brother got on my account and just started making things up. I'm so mad at him right now. He made me look like a fool but I will beat his ass after I log off. I'm sorry if any of you guys were fooled into thinking that it was really me when it was actually my little brother. I will get him to make another account and appologies to you ugys and clear things up. Again, sorry for the mix up. pins_basic
Well, thats intresting. More ballsy than interesting, I mean the "little brother/sister got onto my account" is the "dog ate my homework" of system wars.
I remember when I was little I'd have a Super Nintendo(so would most of my friends) and some would have a Genesis. We never insulted each other for it. We just saw it as an oppertunity to play more games. Same thing during the N64/PS1 era. Hell the only reason I shelled out the money for both the 360 and the Wii was so I'd be able to play the majority of the games that came out this gen.
I only go here to learn some news and hear about games I haven't heard of yet. Fanboys have their use because they're like the kids who have paper routes. They supply us with news.
He has it right it's an oppertunity to play more games. There's no need for all the insults. Seriously. Somebody told me to be a man?!? How about you be a man and realize that every system has it's ups and sowns and all that really matters is the games. That's what it's all about. C'mon man seriously it's always about the games, am I right or wrong?? I'm sorry, but nothing will ever touch the awe inspiring power of the Atari Jaguar, everyone else is just battling for second.
I hereby start a movement to ban Crysis and all relevent gaming information pertaining to it, simply to stop fanboys from making total a**es of themselves. Its becoming unfair for lemmings, cows and to a lesser degree sheep because they can no longer so much as say the word "graphics" without being bombarded with 120 posts contain such phrases as "O RLY? *insert crysis pic here*". Come on people, think of the fanboys won't you?
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