pundog's forum posts
yeah but alot of 360 exclusives come to the pc like bioshock, lost planet and gears of wars but even the multiplatform games like the tom clancy series, oblivion, command and conquer all go to the pc with better graphics and controlls and also the pc stills has its share of exclusivesmastershake575But many of those games are as good or better on the 360 (the Tom Clancy games come to mind) or they just aren't so much better that I'd be willing to pay the extra cost of a PC. Plus the 360 just has more exclusive titles that interest me.
To ProjectPat: But I can get some value back from games that I can sell back. For example sequels. Right now my favourite multiplayer game on the 360 is Rainbow Six Vegas. However assuming the sequel is any good, the community for R6:V is going to die. For the PC I'm stuck with it, however I can do a "trade 3 get it free" deal for a new game at a place like Blockbuster (who'll take anything they can get their hands on) and get a $60 game simply by getting rid of games I don't play anymore.
KOTOR or Deus Ex, I refuse to narrow it down any further.
If MGS4 does come to the 360 I'd be willing to bet Konami gets Sillicon Knights to do it, not only would they have finished Too Human and be in the early development phase of Too Human 2, but they are already experienced with the MGS franchise and did a great job with Twin Snakes.
[QUOTE="UIA_YO"]this is the real racing game GUYS THE #1 racing game Right NOW Followed closely but not close enough (GRAN Turismo) which lacks the realism and the DAMAGE SYSTEM which makes FORZA outshine gran turismo in a easy way
Nah, GT still holds the crown for me after playing the demo. I didn't like the handling as much (too arcady). Also you take a sharp turn, and when you release the left stick it immediatly goes straight forward instead of allowing time for the wheel to center itself. I didn't like that.
Graphics could be alot better, look at DIRT which looks way better on the 360 and is multiplat.
The damage is a joke. Was hyped super realistic and its all but that. Some surface scratches after slamming into a wall a 100mph is not realistic in my book. Look at F1, that has realistic damage and was a rushed game.
GT4 has over 3 times the number of cars and double the tracks (which will all be in GT5). Also it has rally racing and imo better/more realistic handling.
I planned on getting it at release but after playing demo's i'm picking DIRT over his pos. Will probably get it when its platinum cheap if GT5 isn't out by then.
1) Just calling Forza 2 arcady reeks of fanboy. And if you've ever driven a car it takes almost no time to recenter your steering wheel.
2) Graphics could be better, but if that's the cost of 60fps I'll take it
3) Do some research, Forza 2 has full damage, just in the demo they limited it to cosmetic only. And car manufacturers have a limit as to how much damage they'll allow to a car, just getting the bumpers to come off is pretty impressive for Turn 10. Manufacturers have to worry about selling cars, F1 teams not so much.
4) Personally I'd rather have Forza's variety over GTs 35 different civics. Plus all the online features and customization have me sold.
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