So you mean to tell me that a completely bland looking FPSMMO turned out to be utterly bland?
Seriously what selling point did this game even have? Other than the fact that its made by the Halo guys I couldn't understand any of the hype for what looked like the most uninteresting premise imaginable. DUDES IN SPACE WITH GUNS SHOOTING STUFF
Borderlands without the humour or visual flare basically. And thats coming from someone that doesn't really have any affection for Borderlands either, a game I feel only really gets away with being a dull endless shooting gallery because its at least colourful and silly.
Gonna miss the caustic misanthropy of this show. Part of the fun of feedbackula was watching the stupidity in the comment sections weekly and predicting which badly written nonsense would make the cut.
Even the feedback to feedbackula itself was a joy to behold a lot of the time, each comment often being more densely packed with ignorance than the last.
Hope Johnny is gonna be doing something else on this friday spot at least.
Not surprised about backlash. Danny is still in the mind set of streaming games for the UK where these sorts of jokes are common place.
A couple of things the UK still has to its credit are that large numbers of us have moved on completely from religion and even those that still have faith are often up for a good joke at religion's expense.
We take the piss out of each other and out of ourselves. We are a cynical and sarcastic bunch.
Also notable that the whole paragraph about not being able to use pay and spray to ditch cops anymore is actually factually wrong.
If you can break the line of sight and get in the garage before you are seen the shops can still be used to lose the cops instantaneously with a quick lick of paint.
Beginning to think the guy that wrote this review didn't even play the game outside of the story missions.
Just when I was beginning to think the idea of an open world MGS could return the series back to Snake Eater era quality the cracks begin to emerge.
Shoehorning female nudity into the game is not just outdated and somewhat offensive but its quite literally and very openly just a cash grab to sell more creepy toys to basement dwellers.
I'm bewildered that developers would openly admit that as well. They are pretty much just saying yeah we have no artistic integrity but here's some tits instead because we did the maths and it turns out that tits sell.
I mean you would think they might want to hide that, try and pass the nudity off as artistic or integral to the story somehow, but they literally just don't care.
Imo this series tries too hard to be wacky and often misses the mark for me. It always felt a little late to the punch too.
Did like bits of Saints Row 2 and the whole time I was playing it felt like an amusing send up of open world crime games in general but after that it started feeling less focused and more like compilation of things you had seen before in other places.
There's always room for silly games but this series is sorta becoming like those lazy spoof films that come out every damn year. The ones where it's less about actual humour and more about just references.
TLOU is bloody good. Beautifully rendered and tells a great story.
However its far from perfect. Partially down to some of its not so interesting gameplay elements and partially down to some unfinished AI and bugs. I mean I cannot count how many times I was trying to sneak about when the AI controlled Ellie would just walk right in front of the infected or human guards.
And I dunno what was worse. That her doing this was completely breaking the immersion or that the guards and zombies would very rarely notice her running out about two inches in front of their faces XD
8 out of 10 is in no way a bad score and this isn't a bad game. So everybody stop whining and just accept that this isn't perfect but it is good.
Its leagues above some boring as shit bro shooter but just because it surpasses mediocrity doesn't make it the greatest game of all time.
@xolivierx @lbryson8 There is quite a difference between having to install because the game is so big and having to install because microsoft want to keep tabs on if you bought your games new.
pure_evil_80's comments