@cavs25 @pure_evil_80 Once again. I wasn't saying that it wasn't art.
Just that people crying about a review makes the gaming community look fucking idiotic. That of course has no bearing on the game itself but it doesn't present gaming as a mature form of entertainment to the masses of non gamers that don't give a shit and sadly do believe its all just for kids.
Like it or not this a past time that is still looked down upon with a certain degree of sneering disapproval and honestly when I see people moaning about something as meaningless as a reviewer disagreeing with them I can sadly see why.
@cavs25 @pure_evil_80 You completely missed the point of everything I was saying. I wasn't arguing that this game was or was not art. in fact I was stating that games will always be looked at as kids toys if the gaming community acts like children. Like say getting pissy if a review doesn't tell you what you wanted to hear.
Just when you think gaming could one day be considered a valid art form you see the comments for a review like this and realize why so many people laugh the idea out of the room. The gaming community needs to grow up. I mean this game is rated 18 but so many of these comments seem to be coming in from illiterate 12 year olds.
Demanding someone be fired or insisting that they have failed to do their job properly because their opinions do not match your own is fucking mental.
It is Tom's job to critique and analyze these games. He gives his own opinion. Are the people that are upset with this review so insecure that to hear a challenge to their own view causes them to throw a childish hissy fit? If you love the game then Tom liking but not loving the game shouldn't effect you.
He gave his own personal opinion of what he thought were the games stronger assets i.e. the male protagonist and female character's development. And he stated that there were AI bugs that break immersion and that the supporting cast were less impressive and a little one note.
To say this is unprofessional is to basically state you don't comprehend what a review is. One persons opinion.
He doesn't have to give it anything except the score he feels it deserved. Reviews aren't about sparing developers feelings because they work hard.
8/10 is not a bad score by any stretch of the imagination. This review isn't exactly scathing or overly critical either. Clearly the reviewer felt the experience was hampered somewhat by a few bugs and some less fleshed out supporting characters but he still enjoyed the game overall.
You guys are acting like he just called it the worst game of the generation.
@LukeWesty @frozenux Shouldn't take the graph as accurate as the biggest selling films are all pretty much kids films. I think it boils down to the fact that a lot more people are allowed to go to the cinema and watch a shitty transformers film than say Bad Boys.
That said every year certain franchises return offering nothing new but MOAR XPLOSIONS and they still sell like hot cakes.
I enjoy this show almost as much as I enjoy witnessing all the hatred it musters up from certain elements of the gamespot community.
Gaming is serious business apparently and poking fun of some of the sillier comments makes Johnny the target for all sorts of hilariously idiotic abuse.
If these videos are pissing off this many morons I hope they never stop making them. People take gaming way too seriously these days.
pure_evil_80's comments