I just got home from teh airport. As I said in my last blog, I went to Tassie. :)
I would post photos but my camera is being screwy. :(
We also stopped in a little town called Sheffield and had lunch in this Scottish diner. And there was a stag head on the walll!!!! It was watching me. Sheffield itself was weird enough. It was like... every cliched country town you have ever been to. It reminded me of the town in that X-Files ep; The Post Modern Prometheus, and a bit of Our Town thrown in too. (chicken, anyone?)
For the first three days, we stayed at Cradle Mountain. And there were possums. On the veranda. And they ate mandarins from my hand. So nebbish.
Then we stayed in Launceston in a hotel by the river. It was so pretty....
anyways... heres a random quiz narfed from toplesslemon (Jen)
1. Favourite band/s/singer/s? My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, The Fray, Snow Patrol, The Used, Gyroscope. So I listen to emo music. Bite me.
2. Favourite album/s? The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance, How To Save A Life - The Fray.
3. Favourite radio station/s? Fox & Nova.
4. Favourite music video (clip)/s? I Don't Love You - MCR, The Bird and the Worm - The Used, I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - MCR.
5. Song in your head at the moment? Strangley enough, Die, Die My Darling - The Misfits. Haven't listened to it for ages...
1. Favourite TV show/s? The X Files, House, Supernatual, NCIS...
2. TV show/s you wish was on? House, Supernatural. Sometimes I wish I had been born fourteen years earlier so I could have watched The X Files while it was on TV.
3. Favourite TV character/s? Oh Hell I can't choose... I made a list somewhere of favourite villains and heroes. I think my top few heroes were Mulder & Scully, Skinner, Dogget & Reyes (TXF) Gibbs, Tony, (NCIS) And Sam & Dean (SN). My Villains were CSM, Krycek, ABH, (TXF) Ari, Frog, (NCIS) and YED (SN).
4. Any new shows you want to watch? What Jen said. Stupid Big Brother. *stabs Kyle*.
5. Favourite show/s that have finished? X Files, Life (I dont think its coming back :()
1. Last movie you saw? I Am Legend. Really weird. Poor doggy...
2. Favourite movie/s? Requiem For A Dream, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Silence Of The Lambs, The Machinist...
3. Worst movie/s ever? Vacancy. Ony good part was who was in it. (Kate Beckinsale & Luke Wilson). The Messengers. Only good part was CSM (William B Davis) appearing out of nowhere, and that Grudge rip off.
4. Movie/s you want to see? The second X Files movie. *runs round in crazy circles*
5. What book/s/TV show/s/story/ies/ would you like to see turned into a movie? Most things ARE being turned into movies. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult is being made into a movie :D:D:D only coming out in 09 though...
1. Last book you read? Right now reading Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. Yay Jodi Picoult.
2. Favourite book/s? I Know This Much Is True - Wally Lamb, Thomas Harris books, Dan Brown books.
3. Book/s you want to read? Stephen King books that I haven't read.
4. Would you write a book/s? Have you? Sure why not...
5. Author/s you'd like to meet? Jodi Picoult, Thomas Harris, Dan Brown...
1. Do you read fanfiction? Yes
2. If so, what do you read? X Files, NCIS, House.
3. Do you ship anything? MSR, DRR, Tate, Jibbs.
4. Have you written anything? yarp...
5. Favourite piece of fanfiction? um...
1. Do you consider yourself social? Not really.
2. Are you religious? HA! No.
3. What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor maybe...
4. In love with anyone? David Duchovny, Robert Patrick, Nick Lea, Michael Weatherly, Sean Murray...
5. Plans for the weekend? Ummm... I don't know! Hockey maybe....
1. Are you close with your family? sure why not...
2. Do you have a best friend? Smeagol, whose name isn't Smeagol.
3. How often do you see your friends? I don't see Smeagol all that often, only for Hockey, coz I switched schools.
4. Last thing you did with your family? Went to Tassie.
5. Last thing you did with your friends? I was at Smeagol's last weekend. (I think...)
1. Favourite soda/soft drink? Sarsaparilla. Mmmm.
2. Are you a dog or cat person? I'm a dog person. (flashes back to THAT MOMENT in Audrey Pauley)
3. Do you own a cell/mobile? Yes. Yes I do.
4. Do you live with your parents? yarpy.
5. What's in your wallet/purse RIGHT now? $61.95, 12 used metcards, 2 used daily concessions, 1 used 5 day concession, my student ID, my Village Movie Club card and a sunflower seed shell. Mmm sunflower seeds...
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