This Blog....
A Rant:
JAN IS NOT HAPPY!!! stupid writers strike! stupid channel 10! House isnt on anymore and neither is Life! and WHY DONT I HAVE MY S4 OF NCIS YET?!?! And why can't I find Sunflower seeds anywhere?!?!? I WANT SUNFLOWER SEEDS!!!! And I want to watch X-Files but STUPID BLOCKBUSTER only has S1 so I have to wait till I go out and buy it. And the EVIL weatherman said it would rain but it hasnt. And my stupid English teacher made us wait 20 minutes in 35 degree heat. For all you Yanks, thats ALMOST 100 degrees!
Kay, I'm done. Here's a quiz I stole from Corinne
12 Month Survey
1. What did you do this last New Year? Sleep over with Smeagol (I have to stop calling her Talia or she'll kill me :? ).
2. Did you have a New Years Resolution? Why make promises you can't keep?
3. Did someone kiss you at midnight? Nada.
4. Do you have a resolution for this year? I probably did but I've forgotton :oops: .
1. What did you do this past Valentine's day? Valentine's day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Love that movie. Hate Valentine's day.
2. Did you have a Valentine? If so, who? Read above.
3. Did that special someone give you anything? Read above.
4. What did you give? Read above.
1. Do you wear green on St. Patty's day? Course. Otherwise people punch you.
2. Do you celebrate every year? I wear green, but only as a saftey measure.
3. If so, how did you celebrate it this last one? If you don't, why not? I wore my green stone necklace that I wear everyday.
4. Are you happy with the weather in March? Starting to get cooler!
1. Do you like the rain in this month? I LIKE RAIN! but I don't think it rained so much...
2. Do you like playing April's fools? The funniest thing happened this April Fools. I was in South Africa with my cousins, and we were staying at my Granny's house. Our aunt Jo was there too with her baby. His name's Leo. He rocks :P Anyway so my cousin Gabi and I were hanging around while Jo was changing him, and Gabi says: Guess what Jo? I'M A WOMAN! I knew it was a joke so I went along with it. Then Gabi said the whole "April Fools!" thing. Thats when I noticed. The baby monitor. The other one was downstairs. In the diningroom with the relatives. I was laughing for 20 minutes. :lol:
3. Do you celebrate April 20? mah?
4. Does anyone you know celebrate b-days? Smeagol - April 8.
1. Do you celebrate Cinco de Mayo? err... what?
2. Do you like this month? meh.
3. Finish the phrase.."April showers bring..." May flowers.
4. Anything good gonna happen to you this month next year? Not that I can think of...
1. What year did/will you graduate from high school? 2011.
2. Watch baseball? no.
3. Is there something special about this month? Nada.
4. What did you do this year on June 1st? Moved into my new house :) I wagged school.
1. What did you do on the 4th of July? Nada.
2. Was the A/C on all day? It's winter. The ducted heating was on though.
3. Did something special happen this month for you? Probably I just dont remember.
4. Did you see fireworks? Nope
1. What did you do your last real month of summer? It's winter. And I was at school.
2. What was your fave summer memory? It's Winter. My winter memory...One day it was raing so hard at school in year 6, the ceiling leaked on our desks so we didnt have to do any work.
3. Did you go to the pool a lot this summer? I don't go to the pool. Ever.
4. What was something absoutley awesome that happened in August? Moved schools.
1. Did you have to go to school this month? Ja.
2. If so, for what? If not, how long have you been in school before/how long after? In school because this is the Southern Hemispere.
3. Whats something that happens annally for you this year? A 9/11 assembly.
4. Is fall better than summer? Anything is better than summer.
1. What did you go for Halloween? Don't do halloween.
2. What did go as last year? Don't do halloween.
3. Fave halloween candy? Chocolate.
4. Anything happen during this month, not related to Halloween? My birthday - October 23.
1. Whose house do you usually go to for Thanksgiving? Family friend's.
2. What are you thankful for this year? I dunno...Stuff.
3. Whats the first thing you think of when someone says "November"? Birthdays. Lotsa birthdays. Kitty, Bella, Simone. And then theres the others. Sean Murray, Cote De Pablo, Scottie Thompson.
4. What does your family usually eat for Thanksgiving? Food.
1. Christmas or Hanukkah? Hanukkah.
2. What do you want this year? Sumfin nice.
3. Did you get something really awesome last year? Not that I remember.
4. Ever been kissed under the mistletoe? Hanukkah. Not Christmas. But I've always loved the idea of mistletoe. The silent shipper. :P
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