Hey everyone!
So...here is the promised E3 Impressions blog! I'm going to do this in parts because I don't have a lot of time right now, AND because I don't want to hit you all with a wall of text. :P
Okay! So Wednesday I got to go to E3! We got there and it was raining, which is weird, cause well, it never rains in LA. xD
First booth I checked out, Sony's booth!! :D
Sony's booth was really big! And quite crowded to be frank. Their setup was kinda odd but it was cool. They had about 4 mini rooms where certain games were playing: R&C and Uncharted 2 were some. They also had 3 HUGE demo areas for MAG, Uncharted 2 Multiplayer, and God of War III. They also had a PSP section (no PSP Gos were on the floor). This is where I played my first few games:
Sony Booth
- Ratchet & Clank
- Dissidia
R&C was really fun. The camera was a bit buggy - I'm sure they'll fix that by the time the game comes out though, all the other R&C's cameras have been fine. The giant sonar/burping weapon was there and it is AWESOME. The demo had about 4 playable "missions", in which I played two of them. The first you had to go and kill these monsters of which I forget their names. The second I played was a boss fight of a giant hydra machine.
I also got to play Dissidia! Okay, I'm just going to say it now: BUY THIS GAME WHEN IT COMES OUT. It is spectacular! Incredible over-the-top fighting against your favorite characters. Need I say more? Oh I do? Okay, then, I will.
Dissidia demo was short. You could pick from four characters (Cecil, Terra, Cloud and Sephiroth), and you got to fight up to 4 consecutive battles.
I picked Terra, of course.
As Terra I got to fight Cecil, Squall, Warrior of Light, and Garland.
The battles are fast paced and uber over-the-top! Terra is a fast, long-range character who uses magic spells as her main attacks. You can attack with square and triangle, block with R and jump with X. As you could imagine, pushing some of these buttons together in combination does stuff too. R+Triangle is a sort of dash move which gives you the ability to dash towards your enemy. This is really helpful for when you're fighting mid-air. R+X is also a good combo, it is a "rolling dodge" of sorts.
The first two fights weren't very hard at all, Squall and Cecil both went down easily. Warrior of Light was a bit harder because of this move that he kept doing over and over. Light Shield move or something. Luckily, as in any main FF game, the battle will have a little box up top that tells you when a big attack is coming from your enemy. If you are fast (and once you get to know how your enemy's attacks work), you can use this to your advantage and block or dodge your way out of the attack.
Garland was a bit of a pain, and the last fight. However, this was also my favorite fight. It was set on giant platforms in the sky. This made for a really fun fight in which most of it was done while flying. Another thing to point out is that when your opponent's HP is dropping and he is close to KO, the game tells you that a Square or Triangle move will finish him! So at this point, it is a good idea to dash at your enemy and finish him off with some great attacks.
Terra's moves were magic attacks, she had an Ice attack, Tornado and Flood.
This is all I got to play at the Sony booth. Like I said, it was super crowded and full of people. The lines for MAG, Uncharted 2 and God of War III were ridiculous, and since I only got to be at E3 for about 4-5 hours, I wanted to be able to play a lot of games and not spend the whole time waiting in lines.
Ok, this is where I am ending Part 1! Part 2 will cover my experience in the awesome Nintendo booth. IMO, this was my favorite booth (shocker!) and you will be even more shocked as to what I think the best playable demo of E3 was! (Out of what I played).
Here's a sneak preview of what I'll talk about in my next blog:
Nintendo Booth
- Sin & Punishment 2
- Red Steel 2
- RE: Darkside Chronicles
- Dead Space Extraction
- Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Till then!
Oh! One more thing. Did you guys get your Sony E3 Press Conference Emblem yet? I haven't gotten mine! :evil:
- Celes
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