Rightly so. I got Assassin's Creed and Halo 3 (finally). Pretty decent. I went to DC Christmas day. I spent the day with my aunt, uncle, couple of cousins, my dad's parents, my dad, and my two sisters. My uncle explained the lunacies and idiosyncracies of the pharmacuetical industry. That was neat. I went the National Gallery, though mainly only saw the Hopper exhibit. I can't stand his style. I can never get over those impressionist paintings of church facades at the National Gallery and at the Musee D'Orsay (admittedly the Parisians have got far better stock). I bought some Bukowski stuff and some Welsh stuff. I had brought down my Yamaha classical guitar and my wonderful and expensive headphones and my iPod. None of these were Christmas acquisitions. I was in a rush to get back home as there was a party that night. I left the car open. Our stuff got stolen. A lot of it. Nothing was broken, just taken, as the car was open. We should be covered by insurance. It's the violation of the thing. I now have only my Strat. I got a new iPod. I didn't really miss any of the stuff, though. I spent a lot of time at one of my friend's house, where there is a twelve string Guild and then a Strat and a pool table and a nice TV, and lent him my Xbox, as his red-ringed. Good times. I'm also seeing some girl as of last night. It's been a good break but now I have to catch up with reality. I stopped showing up to crew practice when I stopped going to school (on account of the break) and I didn't hand in some very major AP Comp assignments the day before break. So that's how I'm spending today before I resume the winter routine tomorrow. My birthday is in a week, abouts.
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