@corrus agreed ps2 had a eye toy and agreed psp had remote play but it was not popular since Sony wants more money as always which actually hurtled ps3 sales. Sony never bundled psp with ps3 and even the vita as of now is not being bundled with ps4 because they are greedy.The only reason they have ps4 priced lower this time is because of x1 they were afraid of ms selling more like they did with x 360. Secondly Wii motion plus is better than ps move and ps move is dead now no games are implementing it. the only selling point for Sony new console is price.
@AuGZA First rule of loyalty you dont forget your own people at least the competitor are not dissing their own people Microsoft and Nintendo in this case. No wonder Sony is currently struggling. And what is the point of launching the new vita first to japan if they want to prioritize the rest of the world, I call it bad management as always Sony has bad management. The only plus is thier console this time around is priced lesser than the competitor other than that Sony is still the same as before and they need to improve it.
@emptycow718 ps3 and x360 are being sold pre owned since everyone is looking to get next gen ps4 and x1 no one in their right mind will buy ps3 or x360 now. current gen is near to an end and the games are coming for people who already own the current gen consoles. wii had been sold previously like hot cakes.
@Crouteru The last few games that i liked were indigo prophecy on PC and lucky like goes west on Wii. other than that the games i saw were crappy. Recently they filed $22.2 million in bankruptcy auction so they are surely envying Nintendo.
the new model sounds cheap stuff i am happy with the old one, the only real advantage of new one is the battery life and i am fine with mine since i dont have 3G model anyway. its like 2ds of Nintendo ... still fighting with Nintendo oh Sony, but good for new consumers since ps4 integration will be better if more people get their hands on this handheld.
funny how they describe kiddie games just because majority of games on Nintendo dont show animated boobies like mgs or dead or alive,- sex scenes like indigo prophecy or violence like GTA or God of War. I am amazed the gaming world has come to this level when people dont appreciate the challenge in games these days and fun a one can have from these games. I am sure a kiddie will not be able to play donkey kong alone since the challenge it gives in game play.
@juboner it depends if you are a fan of Mario games or you like plat former, for me i have new super mario wii and will buy the wiiu version also since i enjoy platformers.
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