is he serious i have seen sex scenes in games AC:Brotherhood, AC 3, Heavy Rain, Mass effect 3, Indigo Prophecy ... and the list goes on........ and remember the saying when you press space bar on one game when the dude says SHAKE IT BABY ... guess who .... Duke nukem
there are no touch controls on ps3 so disappointed with his review i will have to play wiiu version later and see for myself if wiiu version is good or not.
Sounds good but challenging, I hope it works as it is supposed to be, and if it struggles then i hope Sony will not abandon like a mistress they had once Ps Move. But its good to hear that such hardware is available on ps4 console.
@2Black2Strong take a chill pill. If you are not satisfied with Nintendo and think its kiddie games or whatever then you can enjoy whatever console suits your needs ps4 x1 or ouya. people usually buy Nintendo to play first party games get this right. it looks kiddie to you but others are enjoying those games including myself and i dont want GTA or The MGS5 on wiiU cuz i have ps3. I like the party games on Nintendo which ps3 will never give me. so your argument doesn't sound so good to me. no offence you can enjoy whatever games you like. and yea the SC: Blacklist looked great with WiiU Gamepad controls,
Bethesda can go suck monkey balls, why are these retarded people picking on Nintendo all the time . if Nintendo is so shit then do not release your shitty games on it fucktard, go get a life Pete Hines. Nintendo was always popular for first party titles,. all the games i enjoyed on NES, Snes 90% of them were Nintendo first party .On the wii 70% of popular franchises are Nintendo first party titles, that mean regardless of how less or more the third party support be Nintendo will still run well.
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