Its so hilarious to read comments here of many individuals. Firstly let me tell you i support all the consoles Ps4, X1 and WiiU though i only own WiiU from the three new console race.ok so let me tell you N 3DS was a failure at launch because Vita lunched as the King of handheld and i have to agree i own it because the gaming on vita is really gr8. after a period of time even though 3DS was weak in specs it is still leading the hanheld market leaving Vita behind. Sega dramcast is another example was prefect at launch it had launch titles it had good spec and it had a brand name but it had lost to ps2 even though ps2 had 1/4 total titles of what dreamcast had, yet ps2 was selling like hot cakes. another fine example is sega game gear failed as compared to Nintendo game boy , as per my personal experience the game gear was battery hog. So after the very results of previous console anything could happen maybe WiiU will survive or maybe it will be a flop. even though Ps4 and x1 are with higher specs doesn't mean WiiU will crash, and the games dont get developed in 6 months it takes a year or two so wait and even ps4 will take 3 years max to show its true potential. and yes my next console purchase maybe ps4 or x1 so don't flame for anything.
@louis2828 other than metroid and few others on wii Nintendo doesn't have fps, it was the third party like Ubisoft, EA, Capcom, Activision, Square Enix who made Fps and JRPGS. out of which EA and Square Enix seems to be leaving WiiU since they are only going to make games for ps4 and x1.
@callsignalpha I agree with you that the ps3 have games for teens, adults and young alike. But Nintendo have party games which are so much fun for example when i want to play games with my young or elder brother i dont have many option for offline co op play on ps3 which i used to have during psx days, ps3 is more about money and so the only option is online. what about offline co op. no these days games on ps3 are either single player or online play. I get to play games co op on wii plus the games are fun. have you played donkey kong or any party games on wii its really fun if you have played on mega drive or snes than you will enjoy wii or WiiU as well. the games actually are more than blood, gore or sex. If you only enjoy playing games like GTA or sleeping dogs than Nintendo is not for you. But if you like puzzles and like to play in group than Nintendo is for you. ex: Wii party. donkey kong, and many others.the gameplay experience is different on Wii and WiiU with motion controller and wiiU gamepad.
@Gamer_4_Fun again you haven't spent much time on it.because Nintendo has games for all ages from gamecube to WiiU Metroid, Red Steel 2, Resident Evil, Bayoneta 2, Monster Hunter are few example of Rated M, I do not play Nintendo to play games that have Tits and Blood splatter. I play for the puzzles and fun that the games have. One big example Resident evil was more about puzzles and survival before so it was fun and now its all action and gore, you see the downfall the same is with the ps3. you play games which has movie like stories but to me it feels they have no replay value. plus i get to play offline co op on Nintendo in nearly every game whereas on ps and x360 in most of the game i have only online option to play co op. Because online is where they can make more money. That is one of the reason why third party dont want to make as much as games on WiiU other than the next gen specs.
@Gamer_4_Fun the quality of games being good is a matter of opinion really, I think syberia and broken sword are far better than many of the games on this gen. I am sure you would think otherwise. Spme prefer bioshock like games over army shooters. its all a matter of opinion. So likewise some people prefer mario and donkey kong or zelda over killzone, Halo or uncharted,
As you said
" it is the games not the resolution that counts. "
People who own nintendo will say the same and they get people bashing them for liking donkey kong , mario or zelda. So sad isn't it.
@callsignalpha that is your opinion, I play Nintendo and ps3 games and i have been gaming since Atari so you can guess i have come long way. I like games like God of war to Uncharted to Donkey kong. Its not about kids. The Nintendo games are made for all ages. its your choice if it doesn't interest you it has puzzles and fun. but frankly i am a little sick of playing FPS and gory games all the time plus the amount of sex and violence in todays games have increased to a level i cant seem to play with my youger sister and brother so i enjoy playing Nintendo with them.
@retsmot Nintendo games have replay value, i dont feel like selling any nintendo games after i have played and competed 100% of the game, but on the contrary when i play Ps3 game i feel like selling off because mostly ps3 games are based on cinematic and story. i only kept few games so far like Assassin Creed, Arkham Series and few more because they are open world and i feel like playing again.
@Gamer_4_Fun yea rite the big boy have no innovation except upgrading their consoles to generate better graphics i can rig a pc which will give me better graphics then ps4 and x1. I only see kinect being different than anything in market which people are hating upon and looking to get rid of.
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