@Cooljelly @carolino @rIVAL_sWORD84 sounds good does origin work on consoles, i cant recall when i played dragon age on ps3, and now i am gona play on xbox one and pc
Kevin mentioned that choices made in previous parts of dragons age follow through via saves much like mass effect. So how exactly PS4 / X B One players will carry forward thier saves from ps3 and xbox 360.... Hmm good thing i am building my gaming PC Rig.. if i play multi player on console as my brother do not have a Beefy PC rig so i have to play from scratch..
I am big fan of co op game play, really excited to play co op in assassin creed unity... getting really tempted for xb one, even though i dislike how policies were implemented and the PR stunt of Zynnga man. Still Fable legends, gears of war, Halo series Co op is what attracting me to buy xbox one.. But i feel like waiting for slim version... I may buy xbox one 2015 mid.. hopefully there will be a good bundle by then ike halo or gears of war
dynamic GI is what makes a real next gent game, light Baking is some thig that can be used maybe for 2.5 D games, that fable legends game is really pushing me to buy xbox one... but next year is the new uncharted releasing lets see..
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