@Darkreaper_1 Though i like some of the exclusives such as gears of war, halo but i have to agree Microsoft is so full of sheeet and phil can go eat jumbo sausage for a desert. xbox one policies are bull sheeeet.
@rickphoenixxx i perfer wiiu, pc and one other console from ps4 or xboxone. but ps4 seems weak and i am still waiting for the order and uncharted thieves end. and quantum break and sunset overdirve to decide which to get, so far everything is better on pc
this proves no matter how good a game will be released ppl still complain and cry.. Xbox fanboy complain about ps4 and wiiu , play station fanboy will complain about xbox and wiiu ... no mater how good the game is, fanboys will complain. Go to hell fanboys or learn to appreciate the games if you dont have a console doesn't mean the game is bad. Good to see a 10 score
@tendoboy1984 dude since you already have ps4 cant you just be playig multiplats for holidays, why do you need exlusives. if i were you i would be enjoying multiplats and wait for uncharted and The order before selling console. what if later you dont like sunset overdrive... its always good to wait and watch...
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